Budget HPS setup on ebay



I have a 4ft x 2ft grow cab, i'm new to growing so am kinda confused which setup would be best.

I bought cfl's but then took them back because it was so much hassle having 18 bulbs...so i've decided on hid!

On ebay i seen a full kit with the hps bulb, ballast & reflector etc for £61.74!!!

It's only 250w but that's all i really wanted anyway because of electricity bills, would 250w be good for a 4 x 2 grow area?

Can you also just take a minute to check this out and tell me what you think, i'm on a low budget so can't afford much more, thanks!!!

Link: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/250w-Grow-Light-Set-Kit-System-HPS-fits-grow-tent-/380439652746?pt=UK_HomeGarden_Garden_PlantsSeedsBulbs_JN&hash=item5893f8698a


Active Member
dont forget the heat tho.....,that bulb will kick out lots of heat so spending more money on at least a strong fan (poss filter) is inevitable isn't it ...it adds to the cost further down the road


Active Member
Can i just use some pc exhaust fans? Lol
your in the same boat as me , im looking at buying a fan but i must have a good FULLY WORKING CF. which aparentily a PC is not strong enough to run :-(

i doubt PC fans are strong enough to vent that amount ov heat ,unless you hook them up around a cool tube on the bulb, than again thats more money again dear Watson hehe


I was looking on amazon, there are carbon pads which are meant for like bbq's and shizz you can cut them up & stick them over the pc fan's which people say work, so that would sort out the smell problem i guess + some gel odor absorbers.

I don't think a 250w would produce too much heat would it? Compared to like a 400 or 600 watt.


Active Member
I was looking on amazon, there are carbon pads which are meant for like bbq's and shizz you can cut them up & stick them over the pc fan's which people say work, so that would sort out the smell problem i guess + some gel odor absorbers.

I don't think a 250w would produce too much heat would it? Compared to like a 400 or 600 watt.
true , will still be warm in a confined space tho marra ,i was thinking about stickin carbon pads on also but then read they work for a few days or so then they are no good at all ..
I need stealth so obviously a good reliable CF is essential,,. and the only way to do that is to get a decent 4" inline fan :(


Well-Known Member
let him get it he will regret it when he cant keep the temps down if it were me i would get a air cooled hood with it and a little 4 inch inline fan is crucual man.


That looks like a good fan & has got some good reviews.

But i'm broke as a joke, can't afford that right now :(

Any other ideas?


Yeah well i don't have much of a choice, i'm growing for the oil so i can help cure someone's cancer...so yes i want it to be as easy & quick ass possible!!!



Is 18,000 lumens for a 4x2 space sufficient?

I've seen people with as little as 10,000 lumens in a 4 x 2 and their buds looked pretty good after 4 weeks flowering.


Well-Known Member
Good idea for those starting out - GO BIG on ventilation and cooling. FIRST! Then think lights. Some spaces are good for CFL only due to heating isues and the inability toe exchange enough cubic feet of air per minute to ensure healthy plant metabolism. Others have adequate space or a shape or location or whatever that HID can be cooled.

Go big to grow big. Damn. People think "a jillion watts of high pressure halide LED with 67 million Kelvin" and then "My grow space is hooter than the hubs of Hell. What di I do?"

In any regard the mere mention of PC fans to cool any light worth a damn is a non sequitir.

I'll reflect the heck out of a 250 HPS and shout over a huge fan any day.