Buds always smell like hay after drying??


Well-Known Member
White widow is very smelly during cut, after 4 days drying it smells like hay, i read this will go away after curing for a few weeks. Is there something im doing wrong, drying in a closet dont use a fan because heard it will dry up to quick.

Any help ?
Overfeeding can cause that w/o a proper flush, or pre-mature harvest

In all cases its only been 4 days man. chill.
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I'm growing white widows, they came to me as clones so I've no idea of the genetics but the friend we got them from grows them himself, and his weed is awful. Really harsh and green, smells like lush fresh cut hay. It does get you nicely stoned but every time he gives us any we're coughing for weeks afterwards. I think a lot of it with his is that he dries it too fast and unevenly, laid down with a 1000w heater on them. He also harvests really early. I've looked into this a lot and key seems to be to dry as slow as possible and do a good cure. I'm really hoping that, by growing it totally different to him and taking my time to do it properly, I can get better bud from those plants and that that isn't all they're capable of, so I'll be watching this thread to see what advice you get.
Drying to fast you want it to dry 7-10days in a dark cool place with a fan in the room but not blowing directly on the buds
If you trim wet, you will have to wait for the curing to stop the smell.

Dry trimming is were it's at. I used to trim wet, not anymore. I couldn't believe that way were the problem was but it is the trimming.

Thats why most say 2 month cure time. The are wet trimming and you have to wait for the hay to go away.
If you trim wet, you will have to wait for the curing to stop the smell.

Dry trimming is were it's at. I used to trim wet, not anymore. I couldn't believe that way were the problem was but it is the trimming.

Thats why most say 2 month cure time. The are wet trimming and you have to wait for the hay to go away.
give me some info on dry trim, jsut no water for a week or 2?
I'm growing white widows, they came to me as clones so I've no idea of the genetics but the friend we got them from grows them himself, and his weed is awful. Really harsh and green, smells like lush fresh cut hay. It does get you nicely stoned but every time he gives us any we're coughing for weeks afterwards. I think a lot of it with his is that he dries it too fast and unevenly, laid down with a 1000w heater on them. He also harvests really early. I've looked into this a lot and key seems to be to dry as slow as possible and do a good cure. I'm really hoping that, by growing it totally different to him and taking my time to do it properly, I can get better bud from those plants and that that isn't all they're capable of, so I'll be watching this thread to see what advice you get.
no problem, i hope it helps us both out lol. i got mine from herbies it was an autoflower, my fingers stink right now from trimming and hanging. im going to give 7 days for this round of drying.
give me some info on dry trim, jsut no water for a week or 2?

After you cut the plant down wait to trim the buds for 10 days or so.

The leaves slow down the drying process.

When you cut a leaf that is alive it releases a chemical to alert other plants danger is near. This is the smell that you get. Wait until the leaves are dry before you trim them off.

2 of the benifets of dry trimming, slower dry and no hay smell.
Cut the whole plant at the base when ready to harvest leave it just like it was when it was growing .hang it for 7-10 days, trim , put in brown bags for 2 to 3 days then jar em and burp em
Cut the whole plant at the base when ready to harvest leave it just like it was when it was growing .hang it for 7-10 days, trim , put in brown bags for 2 to 3 days then jar em and burp em
Brown bags to take out extra moisture?
Sometimes yes. Make sure you follow these important steps after harvest:

1. Trim buds (save sugar leaves in brown paper bag, chuck fan leaves)
2. Hang buds to dry, dark, cool place with a gentle breeze for 7-8 full days.
3. Jar them in glass mason jars. Burp jars once or twice a day, letting in fresh air for 15-30 seconds for 30 days.

Curing the bud at least 30 days will help it slowly break down into the smellier, smoother smoke, that you are looking for.