buds filling in


Active Member
Hi everyone, so my plants revegged after throwing them outside. This would be week 5 of flower. They have continued to bloom but seem kinda airy. I have a couple questions? #1 will they fill in? #2 do i just need to keep an eye on trichs or is generally a rule of thumb to start flower time over? Sorry for the stupid questions ahead pf time



Active Member
20170813_195854.jpg 20170813_200002.jpg Not sure anyone was watching this thread, but they filled in now my presidential kush is really poppin too... So imo the mother of berries really puts on alot of weight towards the end of flower and has a very nice smell which i enjoy. Can't wait to smoke some now maybe a week or two beforw harvest is my guess? Then i can start focusing my energy on the next plant lol...


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3995023 View attachment 3995024 Not sure anyone was watching this thread, but they filled in now my presidential kush is really poppin too... So imo the mother of berries really puts on alot of weight towards the end of flower and has a very nice smell which i enjoy. Can't wait to smoke some now maybe a week or two beforw harvest is my guess? Then i can start focusing my energy on the next plant lol...
You were worried and look at the transformation in 17 days. I'm with ruby, 3-4ish weeks out. Enjoy :weed:


Well-Known Member
Chopped the m.o.b. gotta little over a lb and a half. Next pic the presidential kush bout twice the size and def much bigger buds. Still has three weeks before finish and just started molasses today frsst time trying. Anyone have any experience using it?View attachment 4003072 View attachment 4003073
Yeah dont use it past 2 weeks before harvest it needs to flush out as it has lots of micro, mag and iron in it. I think there is nothing better organically to boost resin production in the early to late weeks of flower. That plant looks REALLY green so its about time to start flushing if your cutting it soon.


Well-Known Member
Yeah dont use it past 2 weeks before harvest it needs to flush out as it has lots of micro, mag and iron in it. I think there is nothing better organically to boost resin production in the early to late weeks of flower. That plant looks REALLY green so its about time to start flushing if your cutting it soon.
You can use it as your only supplement in water up until harvest with no negative effects.


Well-Known Member
Looking mighty fine there!
Couple of Q's
1. How're these looking, general progress advice?IMG_20170901_112856.jpg
Outdoor OG Kush, from seed may 1st.

2. Molasses got me a thinking :
Suggestions on qty/ dilutions?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Excellent thanks T, gonna get me some epsom salts too.
Again to quote another member "September will be fun" , fingers toes and everything else for a good 6 weeks of weather now!


Well-Known Member
I wanted to try epsom salt too this is my first year going full dry organic nutes. I cant wait to make a super soil next year, I didnt quite have time. You saw my hail protection, I know there is at least one more hail storm coming! Hopefully snow holds off until at least November too. I have one plant that is just starting to preflower 0..0 but god damn is it big! Best of luck buddy.


Active Member
Wow, yeah i think that molasses is for sure beneficial in the last weeks of flower, plant loved it! Thanks for the advise I'll keep ya posted.


Well-Known Member
Just filled her up with molasses solution, hoping she's ok, see my latest post, she looking a bit unwell :( expert advices welcome ( rather much needed, requested!)