Buds not finishing..need some advice


Active Member
Hi guys,
Im currently growin some GHS Super Bud (indica dom, 8-9 weeker) and im having some issues. She is on day 79 today and she doesnt want to finish. She is fat..her colas are massive when compared to my previous grows. Pistils are mostly still white though on the main colas. Trichs under a loupe shows majority of the plant is clear/cloudy..no amber in sight. growing in DWC under 400w HPS.

Oh yea, I already started flushing her 6 days ago. The plan is to do a 10 day flush (84 total flowering time at this point).

My goal is to pull at 20% amber, but it doesnt look like thats going to happen in 4 days as trichs are still clear/cloudy. Should i wait longer? or just pull? ive got some young ones that are eager to be moved into the flowering tent..

Here are the photos taken from my phone camera showing some of the main colas.




Pull them out finish you flush cycle ,iv had this problem my self you could be waiting another ten days, or you can wait and it still whont show amber... Looking nice pull em out..



Personally I harvest clear cloudy trichs amber I don't like .. I go for the knockout buzz mongy head couchy high..


Well-Known Member
Don't pull it! Wait at least until all the trichs are cloudy! For an indica dom you definitely want to wait until you see a bit of amber though. Patience pays off in the end. You could definitely try a 48-72 hour dark period if you are feeling a bit impatient though.


Active Member
thanks guys for all the replies...i actually was thinking about doing a dark period. Never tried it before.

Its not so much about being impatient (i have bud to smoke and i hate trimming), its just that its taking just too long too finish..The plan was to put in the new veg plants into the flowering tent a week ago..shit happens i guess.

So when would it be a good time to put her under the 72 hour dark period? when trichs are mostly cloudy? i dont mind waiting a little longer...


Well-Known Member
How close is your light to the tops? Some strains will keep throwing out white the whole time the lumens stay high enough.


Active Member
not too close...did the 'hand test' and it was ok...i raised it a little now...its about 18 inches thereabouts to the light (adjusta-wing + spreader).

could humidity be the prob? its about 25-35% humidity.


Well-Known Member
I did a strain from greenhouse and it had white until the end. Although I should of let it go longer really so I would leave it another week.


Well-Known Member
not too close...did the 'hand test' and it was ok...i raised it a little now...its about 18 inches thereabouts to the light (adjusta-wing + spreader).

could humidity be the prob? its about 25-35% humidity.
I read on one of Sannies grows that he says the distance from the light to the canopy can impact on maturation. He moved his 600w so that it was 2 feet away when he wanted them ripen. Might work for you too.


Active Member
I read on one of Sannies grows that he says the distance from the light to the canopy can impact on maturation. He moved his 600w so that it was 2 feet away when he wanted them ripen. Might work for you too.
thanks..i'll figure out a way to raise the lights higher..nothing to lose.


Well-Known Member
Having a similar problem. I suspect it's my 'night' temps being too low. I'm on a ghs grow too (big bang) but from clones and the mother wasn't like this. Had the same thing before in a loft grow with another indica-type.


Active Member
Yea, i suspect temps delayed her fiinishing up..hence all the new growth. I think i'll just pull her when shes done her 10 day flush.

trichs are now 70% cloudy though...with the clear ones being closer to the new growth spurts.



Well-Known Member
Your leaves look nice and green. How much nitrogen are you giving her? To much nitrogen in flower will slow down the flowering process. You said it might be temps. What are your temps?


Active Member
she was fed with AN sensi grow in veg then with AN Sensi bloom +big bud..then flushed with final phase for 1 day followed by just good ol plain PHed water.

temps are ok now..its in between 22-26C now but night time temp is slightly higher..


Well-Known Member
So some strains want to just keep going and going and going. Eventually you have to pull it. Trust me that gonna get you high as fuck if you pulled it now.


Active Member
So some strains want to just keep going and going and going. Eventually you have to pull it. Trust me that gonna get you high as fuck if you pulled it now.
Hi PR thanks for stopping by. I like that thought ! :-P

So u reckon i should just pull her when shes done with the flushing period? checked trichs yesterday, more towards cloudy now...although, still no amber...similar amount of white pistils as before(foxtaling areas), with older pistils already receded.