buds twisting away from light help!!!

ok 2 problems
1-my best plant has started to bud and has now desided that (just the bud) its wanting to bend right over away from the light even if i turn him round to face it again wtf light is 5ich above it

2-i have bought a corbon filter fan and the smell coming out it is weird (its not weed smell)

please help this is my fisrt time and im sooo close to the end id cry if i lost em now:leaf:


Well-Known Member
pics would help but I would let her do her thing. as long as the leaf were not shying away from the light source


Well-Known Member
1. quit fucking on your plant bro, your bud grows towards the light... so change the light and you will change the bud
2. you have a defective carbon filter. its suppose to make your room smell like nothing.