Bug Problem? Not really sure what these are


Well-Known Member
Really not sure what is causing this i have checked the plant with a magnifying glass for what i assumed was
spider mites or thrips but i can't seem to find anything although last night i did find some black dots on a lower leaf if that matters at all. There isn't a ton of this happening and its only on the lowest leaves the tops of the plants are perfect i also have a little bit of PM but i dont think that causes it? Any help is greatly appreciated as i am fairly new to this



Looks to me like its a nutrient deficiency. Better pictures would help though. especially if there is any damage on the under sides of any of the leaves.


Well-Known Member
i'm mostly worried about the holes in the leaves any idea what would cause that? i dont think i have a nutrient deficiency because these leaves are literally the only 1's affected


Active Member
I've had similar spotting on old fan leaves in one strain. Research of other people's photos suggested a calcium/magnesium deficiency, but I've come to think that this is strain specific and not that big of an issue, my results are still spot on for yield and quality without having done anything to correct it over multiple harvests for the same strain...were it on the leaves right up in the bud, then I might freak out a bit. Sorry man, lights just went out or I'd grab a leaf and give you a pic.

I think that the holes come when that spot entirely dies and dries out...another symptom of the underlying issue.


Well-Known Member
ok great reply! The strain is chem dawg and it naturally has a calcium deficiency so i'll go from there, i literally could not find bugs i looked for hours with a 30x jewelers loop

i'll give some calcium/magnesium and report back with results


Well-Known Member
If you are using RO water, it's probably cal/mg shortage, I went from spring water to RO and the next 2 runs were ugly as hell, til I learned this....

And just to be sure, cuz I've seen this event once..... you don't have an ozone generator in the room with them do u?


Well-Known Member
Are your plants wet at all? do you find condensation on your leafs when the lights first come on? Think about that. IMO if that's all the bad leafs you have then i wouldn't worry


Well-Known Member
Well tonight i certainly found something interesting. I found a few Ear wigs on the floor (i dont think they eat the leaves tho) and then i found this on the plant as i had just finished watering. A brown small worm like thing that was cart wheeling up the stalk of my planti took a picture after i smashed his ass but for the life of me i dont know what it is blended in with the stalk real well so lucky i even saw it. Edit: i Use regular water that i let sit for a couple days before use not reverse osmosis



Well-Known Member
This is an indoor grow any idea what kind of worm? i haven't seen much damage and other than on a few holes on the lower leaves the plants are very healthy. I bought some of this http://www.amazon.com/Monterey-LG6135-Contains-Spinosad-32-Ounce/dp/B002BP12LI going to spray with it when it comes in the mail, they sort of look like inch worms to me but i feel its a little strange that i would get these in a indoor garden that i would consider very clean


Well-Known Member
Monterray spray is some good shit to have on file. Worms probably came with your soil. Hope the spray works for ya GL


Well-Known Member
thanks is there a soil drench you would recommend? if they came in the soil then maybe a good way to get rid of them would be to start there

also the soil i use is Happy frog by fox farm


Well-Known Member
Id saturate the medium with the Monterray. Do that number first, see how it goes............. I just looked it up and it does kill worms too!


Well-Known Member
i was going to spray the monterray on the leaves but you can water with it as well? If so i'm down to do that scared the shit out of the little bug doing the sommersault up my plant :cry:


Active Member
I found a worm on my shirt after a bike ride and before going into my room...now I have a dusting brush for all and cavity searches for guests...hope it wasn't in the soil, but I've heard of worse. I'd try any of the natural remedies like chili powders or tea mixtures, but you'd have to look into them or ask around because I haven't used them. Good luck! Have you considered hiring some full time birds, they'll produce CO2 for you as well....