bugs eating plants - nematodes in the ground? (pic)


Active Member
hello everybody, it's not long ago that i discovered little yellow dots on some leaves (see pics), which later developed into holes - obviously something eating the plants. i tried to find the bastard, several times i saw something little flying around, once or twice i even killed something that may have been it. well, i bought a bio instecticide (brimex), only to later find out that the main problem may be happening in the ground - little worms (called nematodes, aaltjes in dutch) eating the roots. can anyone confirm the holes in the leaves to be a symptom of nematodes in the ground? i imagine this could completely kill the plants and thus break my heart. brimex seems to have a product against these nematodes, but it costs 20eur so i still hope someone to tell me not to panic :(. thnx.



Active Member
dude my plants look the exact same as yours and i had the same problem , i ended up just cutting off the leaves with the holes in them cause i thought that it was fucken caterpillars or something and it just stopped. now they are fine, big buds too..
Have the same problem with some plants here...does anyone know what kind of critter is eating these holes??? Would like to eliminate the problem not just hope it goes away...Thank You for any help!!!


Active Member
same here man i wish i could figure out what exactly it is, i first thought bugs were eating the leaves but if it was a nematode in the soil that would suck much more


Well-Known Member
i doubt its something in the soil thats contributing to your leaves getting holes, by a systemic insecticide.if u find out u do got nematodea then just replant