Building 1st cob array - driver advice needed!

TJ Wombat

Need Advice on choice of led driver , building a 2 lamp cob array Citizen CLU048-1212 in series but will running a mean well ELG-100-C1400A will it be better than the ELG-150-C1400A ? I am ok with math but not great.
Also Please tell me if I am posting in wrong place!!
Thanks in advance
It won't make any difference either way. Both drivers will power the cobs at the same wattage, though you might be just slightly over voltage on the 100. Are you running 120v or 220v at the wall? The driver output varies depending on input voltage. You might get better answers in the LEDS section.
It won't make any difference either way. Both drivers will power the cobs at the same wattage, though you might be just slightly over voltage on the 100. Are you running 120v or 220v at the wall? The driver output varies depending on input voltage. You might get better answers in the LEDS section.
I'm running 230v and I'm not sure on running so was looking at elg-75-c1050a for 2 clu048-1212 but thought upping wattage but then I'd increase current too! Argh! I don't know. I will look for led thread!
Thanks BHMC I will post there,