Building a Drying area (barn)


Active Member
So I have an old barn I want to set up for drying my crop once green trimmed. Can anyone help me / suggest how to set this up so it is automatic / can be left for several days alone? The only part I get is draping plastic, I have no other ideas or clue so please let me know how best to go about doing this.
Thank you all in advance.
It is gonna b tough in a barn. It needs to b sorta sealed up so I can control humidity and temperature. I dry in a 12×12 walk in cooler from a MacDonalds. It works sweet

Can I not drape plastic and tape it? Or is that NFG? Or would setting up a grow tent inside barn and calling it a drying center?
A grow tent would work just not for a big outdoor grow. A fan and humidifier and portable ac unit. I like to shoot for 60 degrees and 60% humidity. Low and slow
A grow tent would work just not for a big outdoor grow. A fan and humidifier and portable ac unit. I like to shoot for 60 degrees and 60% humidity. Low and slow

So I could make a giant bag or room in barn and set up a humidifier / portable ac unit and fan in there.... any good suggestions for such on amazon or anything you can recommend?
A cheap fabric greenhouse would prolly work in the barn. Maybe with some additional wood framing to hold the herb. Even the smallest one from harbor freight if u are in the states
So here is another option I was thinking I can build into barn a room / drying box with 2 x 4 construction and plywood, nothing fancy. with a door s couple led lights so I can see wtf I am doing. put some nails with stings to hang, add a dehumidifier, a fan and this is where I am unsure. I know nights wont be 20 C / 68F overnight but colder so I probably need a heater on a stat in there.
I was also looking at one of those fans with 4" hose with the carbon filter, seen one online that had a digital monitor for temp and humidity to draw the air out of said box and humidity...... What would be a better / cheaper way of doing this?
Problem in your climate is the ideal temps to dry are before outdoor is ripe
I would think a heated hoop house with racks would be your best shot at a large dry
Or the same with a barn
Think tobacco but it comes down to temps so hoop house may be more economical as opposed to said barn
Air movement still allows it to dry in cooler temps
When I was interested in this
We used scrap furnaces and propane tanks
Although I haven’t seen many lately