building a GREENHOUSE


Well-Known Member
guys, working on a small project so I figured why not share it with you guys! so I'm building a green house obviously lol, but the challenge is not spending a single dime, luckily the farm is stocked with shit! so although this could be better, I'm stuck with what I got, which is 2x6 boards, and pvc pipe! lmfao

so basically my plan is building an open rectangular frame out of 2x6 boards, super simple, along the top, every 6ft. I plan to drill holes, and slide an end of the pvc pipe right through it! if the holes are good fit, it should hold good, and can always be taken apart and moved or used for something else! then simply wrap it with plastic!

any ideas???

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How much PVC do you have?

What I've done in the past with great results is building a base out of 2x6 on the ground, frame the front and back wall for a door on one and a fan on the other, then use PVC to build the side walls.

Attach the PVC to the 2x6 base with one hole straps, use a T on the ends and 4 ways in the middle, and make ribs basically, then connect them all together at the top. (maybe a little more clearly, take 2 10' sticks of PVC, and put a connector in the middle, then attach either end to the inside of the 2x6 base, so it makes a big hoop)

If you can get greenhouse plastic, use that, it's way better than run of the mill 6 mil from Home Depot, either way, use capped roofing nails to attach the plastic to the wood. Really helps having an extra set of hands to pull the plastic tight.

Boom, done, you have a hoophouse. If you want to get really fancy, get some black or panda plastic the length of your greenhouse, wrap some PVC on one side with a few eyebolts with rope tied on them, and you now have a Dep House instead of a hoop house. Flower outdoors year round.
we have 1" pvc laying around, and 2x6 boards, so the goal was to use what's on hand!

and that was Also my first concern, was it being too flimsy! that's why I decided to make 5ft. walls out of 2x6, basically just the frame, bc that's sturdy as hell! then the pvc would secure right into the top of that! if we drill the holes the right size, the entire thing should be fairly sturdy!
the main issue I forsee was using long lengths of pvc, anything over about 5ft. and it gets flimsy, so the idea was not using pieces over 5 ft. if I need a 10ft peice, I'd use 2x 5ft. with an extention in the middle! that would give it more strength! at least that's the idea
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I'm sorry but I'm lost?
if your using white pvc it wont last,those pvc 4 ways an tees are pricey strapping on ridge an half way down to side works great just staple down an double strap.also I would leave the sides open come bud time u be glad u did.this one is build out of 1in gray pvc 3 45s on each rib an strapping my fifth yr on that one.
the main issue I forsee was using long lengths of pvc, anything over about 5ft. and it gets flimsy, so the idea was not using pieces over 5 ft. if I need a 10ft peice, I'd use 2x 5ft. with an extention in the middle! that would give it more strength! at least that's the idea

U get much wind in ur area? If u do, I’d be careful about building a greenhouse ur way; the last thing u want is trashing ur plants and looking for bits of ur greenhouse all over ur neighbourhood. Only my opinion though. Tie it to the ground as well...

U planning to take it down in winter? How cold does it get round ur way?

After 5 years of s****y cheap ones, I made a Polytunnel as suggested by xtsho . Didn’t cost much either.
If you do end up diy, then make sure u cut in a window(s) at the top or have the door full height, otherwise u will never get the moisture out.

What size is ur rig gonna be?
Any neighbors or prying eyes around?

really this is just an experiment! if it last one season I'll be happy, we're not having to spend anything to make it! so it's kinda a trial and error thing!

we do get some wind, but if I stake the wood frame into the ground. and I glue the pvc, only way this thing will go flying will be a serious hurricane!! as for the plastic, I'll staple the hell out of it lol
was playing around not long ago, waiting for the dam wood to get brought down the mountain, so I threw up 2 different designs I've been playing with, ones small, and much much stronger, other is huge, and kinda flimsy without the base!

plz excuse all the mess, this is not where they will be going, it's just where I was screwing around!CM190429-150144002.jpg CM190429-150137001.jpg
we have 1" pvc laying around, and 2x6 boards, so the goal was to use what's on hand!

and that was Also my first concern, was it being too flimsy! that's why I decided to make 5ft. walls out of 2x6, basically just the frame, bc that's sturdy as hell! then the pvc would secure right into the top of that! if we drill the holes the right size, the entire thing should be fairly sturdy!

In my experience 1” is too flimsy, I used 1 1/4” for my light dep and I’ve braced the shit out of it. Instead of gluing I drilled 3/16th holes through the pvc and slipped bailing wire through to stop it from slipping out. Then I took metal pipe/hose clamps and tightened down every fitting connection.
In my experience 1” is too flimsy, I used 1 1/4” for my light dep and I’ve braced the shit out of it. Instead of gluing I drilled 3/16th holes through the pvc and slipped bailing wire through to stop it from slipping out. Then I took metal pipe/hose clamps and tightened down every fitting connection.
yea I am pretty sure it will be a bit too flimsy, but I mean we really can't complain when it didn't cost us a single cent! I'm highly certain that the wind no matter how strong won't pull up those steaks! they were beat in the hard ass ground with a tractor! so as long as we secure everything properly, I'm confident it will serve it's purpose, which is really just and extra area to toss some extras, or play around with!

we have a 3 feilds, which totals up to around 15,000 plants! if the absolute worst was to happen and thing thing went up in flames or something (knock on wood) we really wouldn't miss it or anything inside it! we're working on building a few 40x40, steal frame greenhouses, there are not cheap at all either! as I said this was really just kinda for fun!