building a grow box from old junk with pics


Active Member
well I can just about squeze the light in the box and get the top on, which is good enough for me
the plants shown in the picture are big buddha automatic. they been on my window for about 4-5 weeks with little attenention they look abit saggy coz its night time for them.
pack of B'S F Fem blue cheese and I estimate 100-150 bagseed. from late flowering hermie'd plants that have been collected over the past few years


Active Member
earlier I turned the lamp on without the lid on the box to see what the temp would be like it got to about 40c after half an hour. the ambient room temp is around 25c.
drilling some holes into the lid at the moment to let the heat escape.
I cant decide what would be best for the ventilation, either use the two pc fans as exhaust and have passive intakes or the more traditional way with one at the bottom one at the top........thinking about it I might try getting another fan have two outake one intake and passsive

all thoughts and comments are welcome!


Active Member
what you gona do when plants grow they barly fit now
hi there nice monkey or ape, is there a difference between them......anyway update time and I'll answer your question

the 2 bigger plants: they are bag seed grown on my windowsill potted into john innes no3 soil and as soon as they germed I just gave them water straight from the tap. they are lst'd and the smaller one has hairs so I took some clones of it, which is what you can see in the propergator the lid aint very tall so they are a bit bent up. the bigger one hasnt shown sex yet I might 12/12 clone it and see. they aint goin in the box and im kinda hopeing one is herm so I can go plant it ontop of a mountain somewhere :wink:

also 4 big buddha "automatic" they are in 6inch pots which is a bit to big but I might put them in the box and give them some bondage

plan for the box is to start seeds on 12/12 in little 4 inch pots I want a perpetual so I might start like 5-10 seeds a week every week so I'd have a little smoke each week
or as soon as a clone has taken root just put them in the box

more to come


Active Member
yeah I like to give my plants alot of nutes as much as they can take, imho alot of growers here give very small dosses of nutes
my four big buddha automatics I started at half dose for awhile and now they are on 4mill per litre the dose on the bottle says 5mill per litre they where geting a little yellow but they gettin greener now.
also with the john innes no3 soil I read "do not plant seedlings in in no3 use no2 (no2 has lesser nutes init than the no3) the no3 will burn the seedlings" I put them straight into the no3 and they where fine.
I have not ph'ed any of the water I feed them either

managed to get a exhaust fan goin the plastic is pretty brittle and cracks quite easily but I got it done.

the box will take 18 4inch pots with a bit of room left over so I'm going to put three seedlings in the box every week.

the space between the pots and light is about 6-7 inches which is not alot but I think I can make it work.

the light has been on for about half hour now and the temps are saying 28.5 celsius, the only intake is the holes in the lid.

comments thoughts welcome even if they are about suitcases


Active Member
1 fan got broken so I went to the dump and picked up a old pc the fan in this one is bigger than the other so I'm re-thinking the ventilation.

I'm going to make the hole where the fan is now bigger and attach the bigger fan

any ideas anyone?