building a QB setup need advice


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I've got a loose understanding of how this all works, just got a couple questions.

I'm going to run 3 qb288v2 in series on an HLG-185h-c1050b, no heatsinks, just an aluminum angle frame.
I'm putting 4 of these over each tray. (approx 4.5' x 4.5')

I'm going to use the 5way wago's to attach the AC sides together so that I can use a single power cord to power all 4 drivers. Also 5way wago's to attach the 4 drivers to the one dimmer. Are there any reasonably priced products out there that would enable me to either use a controller or a smartphone/computer to program in sunrise/sunset, intensities based on schedule (i.e. 400watts day 1, 450watts day 3, 500watts day 5, etc) and to control all of the lights instead of having to physically turn a dimmer on each fixture? How do I know what wattage it is pulling without a kilowatt meter? (not to mention I cant find a 240v kilowatt meter)

One will run @ 550watts, one @ 660watts, one @ 730watts, next to my spydrx+ fixtures.
the 550watt one is ~ equal ppf to spydrx+ for comparison
the 660watt one is equal watts to spydrx+ for comparison
the 730watt one is 33% more ppf than spydrx+

HLG's website says don't run 75watts per board without heatsink, I emailed to double check and they said to be safe stay under 70watts per board. Even if I go up to 800watts per fixture (which by my crude math would put me near 1500ppfd) that would be ~ 66watts per board, so I think I'm ok as far as no heatsinks go.

What size aluminum angle do you recommend? I know 1/8" is a good thickness, but what about the size of the angle, my available options are 3/4" ($290), 1" ($420), 1.5" ($615) (total cost to build all three fixtures)

I'm going to use my 15' 240v power cords from the old lumatek ballasts I have laying around. Would you cut off the female plug side and hardwire the power cord in to the fixture, or would you wire up a male plug on the fixture so that I don't have to cut my power cords and then they are easily removable from the fixture? Does anyone know what that plug is called?

I've ordered the boards, drivers, 2,3,and 5 way wagos, 20awg solid core wire. Do I need any kind of fuse or anything else to safeguard the build?

If there is anything I'm forgetting or something you think is worthwhile mentioning, please do so as this is my first led DIY.

flood and drain canna coco, jacks 321, mammoth, fulvic, 1500ppm co2. once I sort out which phenos are keepers I plan to try out HR V+B and megacrop.