building Cfl


Well-Known Member
ok so im really hating not being able to lower/raise my cfl's.
so i decided that i would build a hood to house 6-8cfl's.
but im not very certain on how to build such a thing and have searched around and not found anything.
so could some one help me out,and instruct me on how to do so.
the dimensions can not exceed 1ft 10inches long,1ft 5inches wide,8inches deep.
so any advise instructions would help or a link to sumthing like this,i want a nicely built hood that i can lower/raise so it could be alittle expensive fyi
thanks for all info ahead of time:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member sure sum1 has had to of made one here because i see alot of amazing diy on this forum.maybe there is a thread but i really can't find it.


Well-Known Member
ok i have to build one for cfl's meaning that i have to fit 6-8 23watt cfl bulbs under a single hood or something to hold them and be able to lower/raise them.


Well-Known Member
kief13- I sent you a PM but cant attach the drawing so i am doing it here:

Basically the drawing is self explanatory I hope. There are two angles that you can possibly have on your hood walls. The first, and easiest, is to angle the longer walls out creating that slant you want. This is accomplished by cutting your end pieces into Isosceles Trapezoids-where the top length is equal to the width of the TOP piece in the drawing. The second angle is much harder to accomplish and entails angling both end pieces and sides to get all four walls slanted. I recommend only going with the one I show in the drawing, when you lay it out vertical you can see what I'm trying to describe. Also, in my history it is so much cheaper to get a pice of cardboard and cut these shapes out with a ruler so that you can build a model first and mess around with sizing, measurement and angles. You could build this for a roll of duct tape and free cardboard first, put it in your crow room/cab, make sure it fits, and then make it out of wood and paint it with KILLZ. Here is the crappy pic I drew, if you have any questions shout.



Well-Known Member
gimley thanks a bunch man,im going to run to lowes hopefully today so ill be building this hood for my veg....inless i find a 4 or 3-spot small light fixture that i got pictured in my head


Well-Known Member
no prob best of luck. Post some pics of what you come up with if you can id love to see it.


Well-Known Member
that 420uk guy got down,i don't think i have the tools for that,but i did find sumthing that i like that's quite simple i think.
ill upload photos tomorrow or tuesday if anyone wants me to?


Well-Known Member
hell yeah upload those pictures. That 420UK thing is like the Bob Villa of hood building, sick.


Active Member
if you want something REALLY simple, even to get you by till you make a better one... i have a 200w envirolite under a large ring binder. simple enough to cut holes in, you could even use 2. it was just a silly idea at first but its proving to be pretty good!


Well-Known Member
ok here's the pic it's really simple i think,and id even have room to put another one in there(thinking about it)


Active Member
Kief, I followed the link given by gimley but your set is much different and I like how you utilized the Y connectors. Can you post directions on how you made yours. Thnkas


Well-Known Member
Nice work man, cool design. I guess you decided to go without reflectors on it, how long have you been vegging under those lights?


Well-Known Member
i actually would like to put small reflectors on the side out of small sheet metal or like aluminum.
dono what id use to make it stick maybe sum welder's glue stuff?
and i just got a 3-spot light strip,they make 4 but i choose 3.
i already had the sockets so took the ones it came with out but i might change this since if i used the sockets it would just be 1cord coming out instead of 3 like it is now.
and plants are 3weeks tight compact growth for 2-3nodes on them i got a grow journal goin id post if u want gimley?



Well-Known Member
that picture is of the top that i took out since i had purchased sockets already.
ima redo it and use this so i can get rid of 2cords i hate abunch of cords running around.
but quite easy to hang,just hada drill 2 hole's side by side.
but if u use the back(the picture)there's already holes for your hooks.
the lightstrip was like 10bucks with tax fyi.hope u all enjoyed