building first grow cabinet


heres a picture of how i will set up my drip system, i have a old small aquarium pump to pump the water to the drip lines, and i have a old air pump keeping the reservoir bubbly with fresh air.... I have the tubing i just need to get the fittings and the actual drippers.

i will be putting 2 plants in the 4gal bucket, and will be filling it with either coco or soil. i will put 3 1/4 gph drippers in the bucket but only let it run for 30min-1hr per day depending on size of the plant. i figure if i let the pump run for 30min with 3 drippers i will feed it 1.5L per day going up to 3L when i leave it on for an hr.

my water reservoir holds 7.5L's which gives me 2-5 days of watering depending on the numbers.... the reservoir was an old garbage bin so its messy, but it will be cleaned up. also i will be building a small box and filling it with insulation to keep the temperature down.... the lid will have panda paper on it to help keep the heat off it as will the sides, the lid will just be plexi glass and a hing from left over parts....

heres a vid showing the flow rate of the water pump and the air pump in the res:


here are the final results, I am bumping this just to show the filter of active carbon, the final temps, and the humidity.

I will be starting a grow journal here.

I admit the humidity is low bit that can be addressed. other then that the airflow, and sent removal of the filter is amazing. i spent the time between the last post and now growing a very smelly tomato plant (actual tomato plant lol). during that time i worked out a schedule to the fans to keep the temps down, and am very happy to say that even at their lowest use the cab stays will within a safe number... the highest the cab ever got was 81deg becuase of the heat of the rad behind it.

ps ignore the wilty tomato leaves, i basically just threw it in a coffee pot and ignored it enough to just keep it alive lol....
