Building setup and i'd like to know few things


Well-Known Member
In my basement about 10x10x5 (pretty old house) i will be setting room divided in 2 for veg and flower and will be running hydro system as well. What i would like to know is what space, type of equipment i would need and i would be able to run on 5 foot high? Also what would be the best hydro system to run? i was thinking at Deep Water Culture since it's seems to be the cheapest one, but also like the conception of the drip system one... I would like to harvest about 2 pounds every 60-80 days, i know it's kinda lot... but we are smoking a lot in here lol. How much plant i need in a 5foot environement to aquire 2 pound per arvest? i was thinking like 40 small plants, do i am right? also what space will this requires? i want a constant veg,cloning room that will be running fluorecent 6500K tubes.. and not sure what lightning for the veg room yet, was thinking at 2x 400w HPS.

Thanks for helping me, i am new to the hobby, my bro grew i helped him nothing more in experience... i just started to read 2 months ago... but so many ppl confuse me..

Thanks for any advice.


Well-Known Member
I haven't ever heard of that site or person, just another resource maybe, at best.

2lbs per 2x400w lights is possible technically, but you'll have to be more patient cause it will take nearly a year including veg and flower.

You could do it with 2kw in flower, but you don't have the space.

Maybe something like this: A few of them actually. You can do the same with hydro and small HID's and not use boxes. You probably will have no choice but to use small lighs because of the height limit of 5 feet. That is super tight.


Well-Known Member
Dude. Really? You've never heard of PH or Lucas? Wow. These guys are legends on the canna boards. To each there own but there is a TON of useful info on that site. The nutrient profile calculators are worth their weight in gold.


Well-Known Member
There comes a point when enough research is enough, and apparently I hit my limit before going there.

Icmag and here are the forums I read, and every book, and watch everything put on video around the world if it has the only language I know on it.


Well-Known Member
i finally got a deal ... 200$ for a 1000w hps kit, ballast, super hps bulb and reflector + half roll of b&w ... already setup all in the room, temp seems ok after 1hr or so on, if not will provide more ventilation...i will be doing scrog on this setup to save up height while maximizing yeild. thanks for advices.