Well-Known Member
So as stated before. I have a big bag of Fox Farms Happy Frog, Ocean Forrest, & Strawberry Fields. So I wanted to use the soil I have before buying more. Although I know F.F.O.F. & F.F.S.F. have some good stuff amended already. I wanted to try & make it better. So this this is my 1st soil "cook" or whatever. Any advice is appreciated. Seriously. So this is what I put together tonight. & plan on transplanting my Northern Lights from a 5 gallon to a 7 gallon pot for flower. The transition to Flower will happen in 3 or 4 weeks. So wanted to give soil time to get ready. Here goes what I mixed: *3 to 4 Gallons Fox Farm Soil (I used mostly Strawberry Fields.. & a little Happy Frog. Since this is for the start of Flower transplant. But would use Ocean Forrest if still in Veg. **that's what she's in now. 5 gallon of straight Ocean Forrest). **2.5 quarts of Clay Hydrationpellets (Lava Rocks), since I had no perlite to add. Althoughtheres some alreadymixed in the F.F. soil. **2 quarts of Earth Worm Castings **1 Tablespoon of Oyster Shell Flour **1 Tablespoon of Dolomite Lime **3 Tablespoons Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust **6 Tablespoons Gaia Green 4-4-4 All Purpose **6 Tablespoons Gaia Green Power Bloom **6 Tablespoons of Gaia Green Mineralized Phosphate **8 Tablespoons Kelp Meal **3 Tablespoons Humic Acid **4 tablespoons Green Sand **3 Tablespoons Wallace's Wow Mycorrhizal Inoculant. Am I overdoing it? Or does this sound like a decent 1st super soil? Thanks again. New to this & hope to get the recipe better with time. I also plan on doing teas every few weeks. Thanks again for the feedback.