Bulbs problem


Active Member
You think maybe i shoudl get other light because these bulbs are giving me problem, i also got 175 MH and that also doesnt work in a regular bulb socket....


Well-Known Member
you only have the bulbs them selves? you need to buy the ballsat and the hood for em , the will never work in a normal outlet , how much do u have to spend ?


Active Member
Yeah i only have the bulbs i didnt think you needed all that... and i wan to spend as little as possible, woudl it be easier to return those and get different bulbs...???


Well-Known Member
Well to get the set ups for those bulbs u have , 2 MH and 2 HPS 250 each would probably be around 400 - 500 $ if you have that much buy the setup if not return em and get som CFL's for 20-40 each


Well-Known Member
Cfl are basically fluorescents , HPS and MH are HID , they are better than fluros they put out more light spectrum than the cfl's unless u got alot , i would go with a HPS system from HTG grow supply abotu 160 plus a MH conversion buld for veg , HPS is good for both but mostly flowering MH is the best for veg .