burmese kush big time problem

ok so i got a burmese kush 4 weeks old today noticed these coppered colored splotches in between the veins of some of.the older growth and its working its way up the plant. i was thinking ph but i top dressed with lime and watered after i checked runoff to be at 5...i tested runoff one night it was 7 the next morning 5 and the spots were worse what im getting at are these from ph fluctuation and should i just repot and mix some lime i to the new potting mix im using happy frog and i havent fed any nutes yet just a small dose of rapid start Camera(2).jpgCamera(1).jpgCamera(0).jpg

please help a fellow stoner out bongsmilie
First of all looks like serious nutrient lockout happening due to your ph, and multiple deficiencies beginning to set in. I'm using happy frog and that stuff can come out to 5 ph straight out of the bag and I was having the same issue as you but I caught it earlier. Top dressing with lime isn't going to make a huge difference at the moment and you need a quick fix. What i did was take some wood ash and mix about a half cup with some water. and water with that and use about 2 tbl spn wood ash per gal of soil and monitor your run off coming out. thats what i was able to do and now i have no problem maintaining a ph of 6.4-6.7. As far as the deficiencies I'd start with some cal/mg and wait a few days before adding nutes you should be fine. good luck and merry christmas


Well-Known Member
I don't know man, something seems odd about the way your ph is jumping all over the place in soil. I don't think I trust your ph testing device/methodology just yet. Measuring the ph of run off isn't really the gold standard for understanding your soil ph. What is going on with your source water? Extremely low ph? Again, hard to say if we don't trust the testing tool. I'd get an inexpensive second testing tool to give you better confidence on your results.

I'd be replanting into fresh soil with a big sprinkling of myco fungi on the root ball to help expand your ph range (only will work if you keep it an organic grow so forget I mentioned it if you are going to use non-organic nutes).

You need to know what the situation is with your source water because it seems like it could be very low ph and may need to be increased a little.

I think it is time to get them started on some nutes but you have to know if your ph is really an issue or not. Someone posted a really good link on testing soil ph. If I can dig it up I'll post the link.
First off thanks for the speedy answers I'm using a cheap liquid test kit I mean it seems to be Pretty accurate my water comes out the tap right around 6.5 I read that link and I'm actually letting the happy frog slurry I made sit so in the mean time I think I'm gonna go grab some woodash from the woodstove and keep that ready thanks guys I appreciate it I'll keep y'all posted, merry Christmas!
looking at the size of the containers, it prolly wouldn't hurt to transplant them to their final home, and check the ph of the soil of that before you even throw them in there, gonna stress em a bit, but they will bounce back


Well-Known Member
Cool, if you can rule out ph problem then it probably isn't a lock out and they are just hungry. Merry Christmas!
Ok so tested ph of slurry it was 7.0 so either these drops aren't working for me or my ph is fine and its another deficiency...however I highly doubt the latter I really think its the ph because multiple runoff tests do say it's 5 and I think the soil sample I had might've had some of the lime I top dressed and watered.with so that's why it came out to 7 ....I mixed some woodash and water and watered her hopefully this helps ....I think I'll just have to pick up a good ph meter this weekend


Well-Known Member
Those drops are usually pretty good, in my experience. I figured you had one of those cheap ph/water wands.