Burning candles for the ladys


Well-Known Member
unless my chemistry is wrong every combustion process creates CO2, so in theroy if you burnt some candles all day long it would increase the CO2 ppm in your room. i dont know if it would be enough to do anything , but if you have a ppm tester plz give it a try and post the increase of CO2 ppm.:hug:

Plus it will set a romantic mood for your girls to show there goods. haha:oops:


Well-Known Member
would the fire hazard be worth the small gain?
your right i just though of a better reaction right this second..

Vinigar (HC2H3O2)+ baking soda(NaHCO3)

The Reaction

HC2H3O2 + NaHCO3 ===> NaC2H3O2 + H2CO3

Acetic acid plus sodium bicarbonate makes sodium acetate plus carbonic acid

The NaC2H3O2 is a salt called sodium acetate.( The residue left over)

The H2CO3 (carbonic acid) then breaks down into water and carbon dioxide:

H2CO3 ===> H2O + CO2

1 mole of HC2H3O2 = 60.0200 g/mol
1 mole of NaHCO3 = 83.9998 g/mol

therefor mix 60.1 grams of Vinigar with 84 grams of baking soda to create 44 grams of C02

not bad a 30% mass yeild

the density of HC2H3O2 is 1.049 g/mL so 60.1 grams of vinigar = 63 ml


Well-Known Member
Correction i just looked at the vinigar in my pantry and turns out store bought vinigar is only 5% HC2H3O2 by volume so,

63 ml * .05 = 3.15

63/3.15 = 20

so you will need 20*63 =1260 ml to compleat the reaction

this also reduces the % mass yeild down to 3.3 %.. keep in mind thats 3.3 grams of gas