Burpee Seed starter Question


Active Member
I have 7 o G Kush and three banana pepper seeds I just took out of a wet paper towel. Tap roots out I istuck them into the burpee seed starter and put the dome on and sar it under three 26 watt cfls.
I'm just trying to get them ready to be put outside.
How long should I leave the dome on ??
How long till I should transplant out side ??
Thanks for response
Does it have air vents? I can't see.
you should prop up a corner, or something.
They don't need 100% humidity. They could get green or grey mold.
you should only need humidity till they pop up, breaking the surface.
Clones need humidity.
Oh do you mean peat pellets? They stay in them forever. The roots go through the bottom.
dont let em dry out, and don't keep em soaked either.
And I'd let em get some window sill sunlight after a week, then outside after the first feeding. About two weeks old.
be prepared for bugs, so spray before you get em. At a month old. Jmo


Well-Known Member
Few days for the dome. Maybe a week, with you gradually removing it more and more each day.

I would say 3 weeks before you start introducing them to the outside. start them off with just a little bit of time outdoors, and gradually increase it.

Hope it goes well!
If they haven't broke surface yet, leave em in the dark,
and check on them in 12 hours.
do you have a heat pad? Or leave the set up on top
of your cable box. That'll work too.