Businesses cut full-time workers to meet Obamacare mandate, study says


Well-Known Member

First, President Obama had to backtrack from his promise that if you like your health insurance plan, under Obamacare "you can keep it." Now, a new study is suggesting that, under Obamacare, "If you like your workweek, you can’t necessarily keep it, either."

  • Some 31 percent of franchise businesses and 12 percent of non-franchise businesses say they have already reduced worker hours because of the law.
  • About 27 percent of franchise businesses and 12 percent of non-franchise businesses have already replaced full-time workers with part-time employees because of the law.
  • Some 41 percent of the non-franchise firms say they already see health-care costs rising because of the law.
  • As the franchise firms look toward the future, 28 percent of them say they’ll stop offering health coverage in 2015 because of the law. One-third of franchise businesses already do not offer health insurance.

Now, the business community is painting the workplace impact as a serious concern, and some labor groups have also voiced worry about the rise of the 29.5-hour workweek.
“Instead of providing affordable health care coverage to employees, the law will effectively take hours and wages away from Americans who need and want full-time jobs,” said Bruce Josten, executive vice president for government affairs at the US Chamber of Commerce, in a statement accompanying the study. “That’s bad for businesses and their employees.”
Just gotta have faith 420.

It's the evil businesses fault.

It's the republicans fault.

Racist teabaggers caused this.

We weren't lied to, we just misunderstood.

Obama hasn't sprinkled his magic dust yet, it will work out in the end.

I know he lied about keeping my plan, but it was for my own good because my plan really sucked and I was fooled by my evil insurance company.

You can't prove any other lies yet (or truths) so it's too early to judge.

Romneycare is wildly successful so Obamacare will be too.

No suprise here, everyone with even a little bit of common sense has predicted this since the AHCA first was brought up.
Going to be a lot of part time workers this time next year.

"I thought getting the law passed was going to be the hard part"-- Just shows how far from reality he is.
That'll probably look good on the employment numbers, more part time people getting hired.:roll:
What's worse for our friends on the left.

Admitting Obama lied to sell this POS law to the American people.
Or looking like a complete fool trying to defend him?

Tough choice.