Busted grow op due to burglary... insurance questions?


Active Member
So... last week my home was burglarized... Police were called and came in "looking for the burglar," but discovered my little grow op for personal use (4 completely harvested and dead plants.). In Illinois, under 5 plants is a misdemeanor... so i was charged with that. It sucks, but my record is spotless and I'm a well-educated and employed individual, so I don't think punishment will be too harsh...

My question is on my home insurance... has anyone ever had such circumstances? I've reported my losses to them, but assume they will look up the police report and find out I had the grow. It's not a felony, so it won't fall under the "felony exemption clause" that most insurance companies have. Has anyone been denied their claims on a burglary case like this?

PS - I never told anyone I grew, nor did I EVER sell a single bowl's worth of green. My lawyer said that I will probably be OK, but I'm just worried.

I still love how I get burglarized and I'm the one who goes to jail (for a night). God bless America! (Sad thing is, I could NOT be a more private citizen. I go to work. I come home. Wash, rinse, repeat. I don't even drink or go to bars... and I almost never smoke anything outside of my home, except when I'm on a boat a mile from shore in Lake Michigan... I've never bothered a soul! Grrrrrr.)

Thanks in advance for any responses!


Active Member
Sorry to hear that man..Cant help you with your case...Did the burglars get some of your stash?


Active Member
I assume they took most of my stash, but it could have been the cops hiding it to see if I would tell them the truth when asked about how much I had, etc. I had JUST harvested like a week before, too! All my plants were dead and barren, I just hadn't trashed them, yet. I did have 4 little clones 1-2 inches high. I think it was some kids, as they seemed to have focused on my sports card collection and video games.

The whole situation really sucks. Some of the cops told me off the record in private that they thought it was a pretty cool personal grow (the cop from Cali said that, go figure, lol.) and that they appreciated me not buying/selling/associating with anyone on the streets, as it was pretty obvious from my setup I had no intention of selling... no baggies, no weapons, no cash, full-time job, etc. Then, one of them had the balls to tell me, "This isn't that big a deal and you have a clean record.. you'll be OK, you just need to get your life on track." I wonder if, at 26, they had graduated from a good school (Michigan- Go blue!) while paying for it themselves, secured a good salaried-job during the worst economy since the depression, AND managed to purchase their own home... doubtful. Morons.

I guess the most annoying part is just how clean a life I really live... I pay all my taxes, student loans, car, etc... I really do nothing other than eat, sleep, work, and in the summer-time go fishing. Heck, I don't even smoke outside of my house, except when I'm a mile off-shore in Lake Michigan! I don't like drinking and dont' go to bars... it's just such bullshit.

Thanks for the support guys, I appreciate it!


Active Member
I feel your pain in the sense of being harrassed by others when you are just minding your business. Story time sorry but i took my sister to target yesterday and i drove thru the parking lot as i pasted this guy he hit my caddie with his bags on purpose becuz he thought i didnt yield for him but i was there first. So my first reaction was to jump out the car and confront him which i did as my sis yelled for me to get back in the car as soon as he sees me he starts playing the victim so i push him and im about to put a combo on his dome then he grabs his phone with the fuzz on speed dial next thing i know i got 6 cops on me overkill. When he started to yell for the police on his cell my first reaction was to hightail it out of there but he had my license number so i parked and waited for them becuz i definitely dont those pigs at my house. Anyways brother i feel your pain fuck the world i am not leaveing my house anymore. I am going hurt somebody. It seems that people are aggressive until to you become aggressive back then they turn into snatches.


Make sure your attorney goes forward with a pretrial motion to suppress. This may or may not result in the evidence of your growing being thrown out entirely, it all depends on the specific circumstances of your situation; if law enforcement acted appropriately, how good your attorney is, and the judge.

A lot of attorneys (especially your local ones) are more likely than not close acquaintances (friends even) with the district attorney, prosecution, probate department head and judge. In a way this might help you get a better deal if it came to that, otherwise it might help them get the better deal. If your attorney suggests you take a deal, pay close attention to his mannerisms toward the prosecution especially before court is in session and during recesses. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and don't let anyone even subtly pressure you into anything.

Cops often like to hyperbolize or just plain stretch the truth on their police reports, if they did in your case and you know it then don't let anyone fool you into believing that those are only 'minor details'. They're probably going to read the report at some point and ask you if it is 'a correct statement of the facts' or something along those lines.

Oh yah and if your plants were already harvested and dry/drying, grow area all cleaned up, etc. it is possible that they might not be able to charge you with cultivation (maybe they can) or for some other reasons may decide to downgrade your charges.

In the future and for anybody else with a grow reading this lock all of your stuff up TIGHT. Put extra locks on your front door, check your windows are locking properly and keep them locked; ensure there are at least screens on the outside to hinder tampering. Ideally you should keep your grow room under separate lock and key, lock it up whenever you're not home. Always keep some appliances (lights, TV, radio) on or put them on a timer to go on/off automatically.

If you own a house make use of 'No Trespass' and 'Beware of Dog' signs. Put up a fence if you live in a bad neighborhood. Don't use or subscribe to any home security/monitoring networks that will result in the police automatically being called for whatever reason. Instead use motion lights and/or closed circuit remotely viewable security or PC web cameras and rescue a dog from a shelter.


Well-Known Member
How much of your property was stolen?

Did you meet your deductable?

If they only got a couple hundred dollars worth of stuff, I wouldnt have even contacted my insurance.
Now if you are dealing with a big loss, then maybe its worth it.

Sad thing is your insurance my drop you considering you a liability. Grow houses in the eyes of insurance agents are nothing more than a fire hazard


Active Member
Make sure your attorney goes forward with a pretrial motion to suppress. This may or may not result in the evidence of your growing being thrown out entirely, it all depends on the specific circumstances of your situation; if law enforcement acted appropriately, how good your attorney is, and the judge.

A lot of attorneys (especially your local ones) are more likely than not close acquaintances (friends even) with the district attorney, prosecution, probate department head and judge. In a way this might help you get a better deal if it came to that, otherwise it might help them get the better deal. If your attorney suggests you take a deal, pay close attention to his mannerisms toward the prosecution especially before court is in session and during recesses. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and don't let anyone even subtly pressure you into anything.

Cops often like to hyperbolize or just plain stretch the truth on their police reports, if they did in your case and you know it then don't let anyone fool you into believing that those are only 'minor details'. They're probably going to read the report at some point and ask you if it is 'a correct statement of the facts' or something along those lines.

Oh yah and if your plants were already harvested and dry/drying, grow area all cleaned up, etc. it is possible that they might not be able to charge you with cultivation (maybe they can) or for some other reasons may decide to downgrade your charges.

In the future and for anybody else with a grow reading this lock all of your stuff up TIGHT. Put extra locks on your front door, check your windows are locking properly and keep them locked; ensure there are at least screens on the outside to hinder tampering. Ideally you should keep your grow room under separate lock and key, lock it up whenever you're not home. Always keep some appliances (lights, TV, radio) on or put them on a timer to go on/off automatically.

If you own a house make use of 'No Trespass' and 'Beware of Dog' signs. Put up a fence if you live in a bad neighborhood. Don't use or subscribe to any home security/monitoring networks that will result in the police automatically being called for whatever reason. Instead use motion lights and/or closed circuit remotely viewable security or PC web cameras and rescue a dog from a shelter.
Exactly what ^^^^^he^^^^^ said


Active Member
This is my lawyer: http://www.goldbergdefense.com

He's actually a fellow alumni and is giving me a discount. He hopes to get the charges expunged and possibly "drug school" (four weekends of bs about how "bad" marijuana is for me, being taught by people who know 1/10th as much about it as any of us do, I assume.)

He handles all sorts of defense cases, but mainly drug related ones... my case is nothing compared to most of his other cases... (100 lbs of coke... semi trucks full of greenery, etc..). If anyone ever needs representation in Chicago, I'd recommend him so far.

I had about 4-5k worth of stuff stolen in total... PS3, camers, xbox 360, 28 inch lcd monitor, all the games for both systems, and about 2000 dollars in sports memorabilia/cards. My second cousin was a hall of fame basketball player and also major league baseball pitcher (name withheld for obvious reasons), and one of the things stolen was his original baseball contract that I had been given by my father. Sucks when things like that get stolen... my deductible is 1k, so I guess we'll just see what they do. I'll be sure to post in here when I know.

Lesson learned: It sucks to have nice neighbors willing to call police when they see bad guys stealing your stuff.. haha.


Active Member
you'll be fine expect some probation a fine and court costs as far as the insurance you were not in commision of a felony so you should get your money.


Get a list of any and all pawn shops/second hand stores and sports memorabilia/collection dealers in your vicinity. Compile a list of specific items stolen from you, and if you had the serial numbers to the electronics anywhere or photographs of your sports collection that would be great. Hit up each and every shop, look for your stuff and even if it isn't there you could tell whoever owns or works there to look out for specific things. Especially unique items like those in your sports collection. If it was a big collection chances are whoever took it or ends up with it is going to try to sell at least some of it.

If you can get reimbursed for the electronics maybe it isn't worth it for you to do that, but if you value the collection you had or want to have a chance at catching the punks then this is something you may consider.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I had a teenager problem once. After they found out that they weren't going to get shit they started robbing other people. I told them if they break into some persons home and that person keels over from a heart attack your going to prison. It happened, they ratted me out trying to get a deal. All of their evidence was obtained illegally so it wasn't any good. They've been gone for a couple years now and things couldn't be any better. Don't worry, just wait it all out and it will be happy camping again. You should really talk to these boys because I wouldn't want any persons young life destroyed by prison. Of course the foster parent argued that if I wouldn't have been growing pot the boys wouldn't have started breaking into houses. The fact is it's the foster parents fault for telling the kids to stay away from me because they believed I was a big time drug dealer. Someone had to give these kids the idea.


Well-Known Member
wow sorry to hear bout your losses. im from chicago and i had a friend who was in the exact same situation u are in. someone had broken into his home in the city, and he had just came home also. when the burglar found out that he was there, he took off. my friend said he didnt get a good look at the burglar, but it comes to find out that the burglar didnt get a chance to take anything, so he probably had just broke into my friends house and wasnt there long. well anyway my friend called the cops and sent some detectives over. they found out about his grow also which was 3 plants and he was arrested. in the end the cops smoked the weed and he was put on probation and sent to drug school. oh and he had a public defender. i just dont know why he or you would even call the cops to report a burglary when u have plants in the crib. its just a recipe for disaster. I would have just chucked it up as a lost, especially being in a non medical state like ill. oh yeah about your comment about the lake, isnt lake michigan just the best in the summer time on a boat? it dont get no better than that

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I didn't call the cops.. A neighbor trying to help did.
now that's fucked. dude was just concerned for your stuff and the neighborhood and you end up screwed. we all know the possibility exists, but man that's messed up. good luck. there are a lot of details in your story that may work to your advantage.