busted in CT


Active Member
my brother got stopped and a dui checkpoint and the cops smelled smoke made them get outa the car and searched him and his friend driving and found less than a g on my brother and gave him a possession ticket. were from NY and if that happened here its a slap on the wrist but i dont really know how CT is on weed and wanted to see what the deal probably is cause he's pretty bugged out by the whole thing


Active Member
I live in CT and unfortunately this is not a pot friendly state. I also was busted for a miniscule amount of dank. If your brother has no priors related to MJ he will probably be able to use either a "first offense" or "accelerated rehabilitation" If he doesn't qualify for any of the two he can still use a "drug program" which requires classes. I really feel for your brother; I lost a career to this state. Seriously consider getting at least a free consultation with a lawyer and above all, always keep your mouth shut and deny it vehemently. A family member turned me in and it's been hell since. However; I will never stop smoking and no socialist state can tell me otherwise. Over grow the government....Good Luck


Active Member
alright yeah thanks for the advice man and shits fucked up if he had some tobacco in pocket its all fine even though that shits ten times as bad for you. i feel for you too man you lost your fucking job and gotta deal with shit over what, a fucking plant, CT needs to do something bout that shit soon.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Time to move Dude !

Possession of one ounce or less of marijuana in the privacy of the home is legal. The status of possessing an amount between one ounce and four ounces is unclear, pending clarification by the courts. Possession of 4 ounces or more of marijuana is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000. Possession of less than 25 plants is protected under the Alaska Constitution’s right to privacy (See Ravin v. Alaska).



Active Member
GWN......Any suggestions on areas to relocate. That legislature has got brass balls...I love it. Our "Governor" just recently stymied legalizing MMJ.. She's too victimized by the propaganda and myth that it perpetuates. I will be leaving soon and the map is mine!


Global Moderator
Staff member
Time to move Dude !

Possession of one ounce or less of marijuana in the privacy of the home is legal. The status of possessing an amount between one ounce and four ounces is unclear, pending clarification by the courts. Possession of 4 ounces or more of marijuana is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000. Possession of less than 25 plants is protected under the Alaska Constitution’s right to privacy (See Ravin v. Alaska).

I'm not sure, what do you think?


Active Member
No...I got that..I'm talking counties and regions. Never been there, it would be nice if even for a vacation.


Global Moderator
Staff member
No...I got that..I'm talking counties and regions. Never been there, it would be nice if even for a vacation.
It depends on what you like, what you do for a living etc... Interior is hot in the summer & damn cold in the winter (like -60 ambient). Fairbanks & Anchorage are the two largest and the best bet for a quick job landing. Outlying communities are much smaller & closer knit. Pitch some resume's out there & see what happens.
PM if you want specifics, I'll help if I can.