Busted, the breaking of a monster!


Well-Known Member
Well you see me here posting this and that and we never talk about all the work outside of this. you see mass scale and many many plants trays lights etc.

While some think that this is a good thing it really puts you at huge risk. when you see all this there is something funding and fueling all this.

it is really funny how 2 people can get together and make a monster. well the monster BROKE

so while you sit here and see this great budage you miss all the hours of work thousands of dollars of food and lights, someone has to grow and someone has to round up these funds.

Well my retailer got hit. and we managed to contain the hit, but this was my security blanket. alot of time you hear me say we WE WE its because to make a monster you need help/ i have had so much help and day after day i am behind. i cant openly discuss all of this but i just wanted to warn.

What good is a project like the big dig if you can use what you make. over the last few months i have sat by losing thousands, well its bad when you get that call. And last night while my loved one was in the hosipital my partner was at the wrong end of a dog!

The good news, I am still safe. The bad news full retirement is started.
please dont ask for lights timers bulbs as there is no safe way to trade this stuff. i will try to split up this genetic pool i have but let me contact you. i have a few other members with grows i can spotlight, however i need and want to cash out. when i am fully shutdown i will overload this site with media pictures and content.

There may come a day when i can rejoin you in this hobby. but my hobby turned into the need for profit and we aint talking no little hobby. Dont get careless and dont get too greedy. get out before the police get in. make sure to take breaks. in the last year i helped thousands of needy patients, for this i am a criminal. Risk = Reward.

the fallout:

my other side now has jail probation, fines fee's. total cost 10-14 k and 12-18 months of your life. no amount of profit was worth it to him now.
this is under the new law so to speak. obviously it didnt work. when we got him out he was broke now in violation of his lease, no job. this is not including all the fee's. if convicted will make it super hard just to live.

For all the members of roll it up, learn this key fact from me! there are times you have to walk away for a while or forever.


Well-Known Member
that is so messed up to hear bud,damn.i will take your advice!i am sorry to hear of this,good luck to you and yours,and remember,things will getgreater later,things just have to be worst first...i hope to see u on rollitup again someday,sincerly,rascalone:sad:


Well-Known Member
that is so messed up to hear bud,damn.i will take your advice!i am sorry to hear of this,good luck to you and yours,and remember,things will getgreater later,things just have to be worst first...i hope to see u on rollitup again someday,sincerly,rascalone:sad:

I feel for ya man. New chapter! You can still fight the good fight without growing, and I willing to bet your pic and media content will be welcomed with open arms here. Peace!!!


Well-Known Member
You don't have to be making monsters to be welcome here abudsmoker, with everything you have done here and all you have helped. It would still be nice to see you come back if just to talk every once in a while.


New Member
I too stopped growing for profit, although mine was stopped by the other side of the law, it still helped me take stock. We certainly didn't create a monster but we were on our way. I love weed, I love growing. Now it's just a hobby, and I don't mind spending money on it.

I like to look on the bright side, and abudsmoker this is a warning, a reminder that life is not all we'd like it to be. There are those that seek to destroy us for doing what we love, and your words are indeed wise, so too your actions.

I hope to see you back soon, I also hope that you've made enough so that when you do come back it's as a hobby. In the end, the time isn't worth it.


Well-Known Member
man thats craziness, I wish you much luck in the future for you (hell i came out of lurking to post this to ya)
Sucks when the law gets you


Well-Known Member
thanks for the fine words,

let me clairify, just because i stop farming for people that doesn't mean i stop teaching.
i have to preserve myself first. It is a tough business and i cant take risks that are plain stupid.

on the bright side in a few days i will have more time to help focus on helping others get to that harvest date.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The question I have is this.Were you compromised via any online activity or was it a local compromise that was outlined in the discovery papers? I know specifics cant be given but if it was an online situation please give use that and if your computer was compromised let that be known also as I havent followed your posts.