

Active Member
Because you would of heard something about it not being safe. im sure someone would get out of jail and let eveyone know...
there are thousands of us. some people have used this for years and admit that they are in a non-medicinal state...

If you are too paranoid you prolly shouldnt be smoking :-\

And, you can not get busted without proof... text and pics is not enough for a search warrant to get busted with.

Smoke a joint and relax


Well-Known Member
Iv been on this site for years, this account since last year, I had to make a new one for my old one got hacked, but trust us this site is safe. Just don't be a dumd fuck about it, such as give ur address or real name or really anything that the police would look for that would help them find u and u will be safe, don't worry about it.


Well-Known Member
this site was probably intended for legal medicinal growers in the first place...so i wouldn't think cops look at these sites frequently...



Well-Known Member
Pics and text are enough to get a warrant by the way. Cops get warrants with a whole lot less.


Well-Known Member
ive been a member since 2008, i live in the us and the state i reside in is a non medical state.. still no door gettin busted off the hinges. if your worried then walk away, thats all there is to it. this is a forum for people to share information freely and openly, nothing more, nothing less.


Active Member
And no, they can not get a warrant for this stuff. they have no proof of what state your in.
And dont say "They can check your IP" cause that is not usable in court because you may be in an adjacent state from your crops.
They need concrete evidence. and if they bust your door down with just pics and text as a reason, the court will dismiss it because that is not concrete.

Very often cops know what is going on, but because they have no probable cause other than over the internet (Which is free speech related and fightable), they will do nothing unless they get someone to wear a wire on you, or pose as a fellow grower and get your name and address.


Well-Known Member
Really? Cops get warrants all the time on nothing more than a snitch saying it's there. You can go on all day about your free speech bullshit and the rules of the court but I have done over 5 years in prison and have never once been caught with a seed. That's state time. If the Feds get involved they need less than the state to prove shit. Go on with all your rules and constitutional retoric (sp?) but I have first hand knowledge and I am telling you you dont know what you are talking about.


i joined a few weeks ago, and was going to ask myself if its safe, i am under the impression it is.... but say you do get raided from info from here u say its not concrerte evidence but they will have all the evidence they need once there inside and found all the plants? but has anyone heard of anyone gettin caught and it being linked this fourm?


Well-Known Member
i joined a few weeks ago, and was going to ask myself if its safe, i am under the impression it is.... but say you do get raided from info from here u say its not concrerte evidence but they will have all the evidence they need once there inside and found all the plants? but has anyone heard of anyone gettin caught and it being linked this fourm?
never... if that had happened this online community would not exist. period.


Well-Known Member
I would say that if RIU came into the picture then they probably knew you were growing already and found the info on here and used it to strengthen their case. I am in no way saying posting on here will get you busted I am just saying that anything you say or do relating to growing weed can get you busted. I get so sick of all the RIU lawyers telling people what will and wont get you busted and stating the law like the cops follow it when I have been busted and I DO KNOW what the real deal is. The cops and the judges dont care about anything other than ridding the streets of crime. If you think you have so many rights in this country write a letter to anyone doing FED time for conspiracy and ask them how the constitution saved them from 20 years in prison.


but are we all being really naive to think that police couldnt set up a profile to gather some kind of evidence, or atleast to keep an eye on some people for when they do slip up?


Well-Known Member
Oh that definately happens. When you see a first time poster asking shit that sounds fishy it probably is. Not long ago a new member was asking how much a kilo of weed costs where you live. The thread turned into a debate whether the guy was a cop or not and not once did he ever chime in and say he wasn't. You be the judge.


yeah well it would be stupid for them not to try atleast, if i was a cop i prob would aswell, but aslong as we dont give addresses names etc should be fine? no way they can get hold of ip addresses?


Well-Known Member
If you are so paranoid, how many plants are you gonna grow. If you are going to just for personal use, I wouldn't worry.


Well-Known Member
That's a great point because the only cops that will put any effort into a site like this would be the feds and the aren't going to waste their time on a small amount of plants. Just use common sense. Dont talk about it. There are thousanda of members on here and like Smokes Like Bob said a majority are legal so dont sweat the cops hunting you down because we chat on here.