

Well-Known Member
Local News: In a nearby city there was a marijuana growing bust. The grower lived on a farm and grew it all in a barn. He had an estimation of 1200 plants. My mom says "What would posses someone to do that sort of thing?"... If only she knew :DD


New Member
It always makes me sad to hear of people getting busted for weed. It's a violation of our civil rights to even make it illegal. What bullshit.


Well-Known Member
My license plates lights were out so he pulls me over. He comes up to the window I open door. He says it smells like weed get out. I get out he searches finds seeds and a blunt tube and puts that into his evidence bag arrests me. I spend 12 hrs in jail and have to call the courts sometime this week......reality.


Well-Known Member
My license plates lights were out so he pulls me over. He comes up to the window I open door. He says it smells like weed get out. I get out he searches finds seeds and a blunt tube and puts that into his evidence bag arrests me. I spend 12 hrs in jail and have to call the courts sometime this week......reality.