Buy Mariajuana online???


Well-Known Member
Just curious.... is there a website that sells legitimate marijuana... and not the bunk stuff that don't get you high?


Well-Known Member
weed is legal in several countries around the world... so as long as they are selling from them countires then there is nothing to run from yo lol


Well-Known Member
whatchu so scared about burlingo? I've had the pleasure of ordering real BC BUD straight from Canada to my home. Truly fucking amazing if i might add. Considering the fact you could get 4 gram 8ths for $40 and 8 gram 1/4's for $80. Did i mention he'd reimburse you with a new batch if it didn't make it through customs? Yep, vacuum sealed cannabis. Jack harer, hawaian haze, god bud, shishkaberry, trainwreck, list goes on....and i must say the quality was above the beasters you'd get from your local hero. Somehow lost the connect and havn't tried hard enough to find another one, maybe they've been busted. if thats the case, it's a fucking shame.


Well-Known Member
Dude, yes its possible but anyone that has the connections to do it are not going to give it up for fear of loosing that connection... I know I would'nt 8)


Well-Known Member
i'm pretty sure talking about MOM (Mail order marijuana) is against the rules here. i think.....


Well-Known Member
ive seen a couple MOM sites and there were only one or two that i found that seemed legit. most of them are like THIS one and seem overly sketchy(look at the prices).


Well-Known Member
I knew of a freelance guy who had a site that got shut down but was still shipping to the states for his existing customers, no idea where he is now (so don't flood my inbox). Use a little common sense here people, Marc Emery is facing LIFE in an American prison (he is Canadian, and still living in Canada) for SEEDS, the DEA loves to bust pot culture. I toyed with the idea but the risk was just too high for me. Giving a total stranger money, your address, a credit card number and then IN WRITING asking to have an illegal substance shipped to your door. Think about it kiddies, people have done time for less.


Active Member
Dude just buy it off someone you know, or a dealer. Don't risk getting busted for something like this. Legal buds do exist, but stuff like this is usually in the gray area of legality, depending on what the contents are when they are shipped.

Don't risk ruining your life all for something like this, play it safe.


Well-Known Member
I knew of a freelance guy who had a site that got shut down but was still shipping to the states for his existing customers, no idea where he is now (so don't flood my inbox). Use a little common sense here people, Marc Emery is facing LIFE in an American prison (he is Canadian, and still living in Canada) for SEEDS, the DEA loves to bust pot culture. I toyed with the idea but the risk was just too high for me. Giving a total stranger money, your address, a credit card number and then IN WRITING asking to have an illegal substance shipped to your door. Think about it kiddies, people have done time for less.

I'll be first to call bullshit on you. Its obvious you dont know what your talking about, if you did, you'd know credit cards are not an option. In writing? an anon gmail account is IN WRITING? WTF. Total Stranger, maybe, but when he has a customer base vouching for him its not that big of a deal. Its all about who you know. searching bcbud on would pull tons of reviews last year, probably still does....