buying a pc case a good idea???


hi, im new to this forum. i've been doing a lot of research on indoor growing. i just want to grow some for fun and personal use. is the pc case a good idea for a first time grower? any feeback will be great thanks.


Well-Known Member
well you can grow in a pc case, but i believe growing weed is like keeping a saltwater aquarium, the bigger the space the easier it is to maintain, when its small however its a bitch. if you grow in one you have to make sure heat isnt going to be an issue, and its going to be a lot of effort for not a lot of bud.


Well-Known Member
^Agreed. I don't recommend it unless you have no other option, as space will be extremely cramped. It's difficult enough learning to grow, let alone trying to squeeze everything into the smallest space possible. Go bigger if you can, and you'll be happy you did, once you get things rolling. :)


New Member
dont waster you money on that thing. just find a seed and 2 cfls warm buls and flower from seed if u just wanna do it for fun. gl