Buying auto seeds in Australia


New Member
Hi, i'm Jay from Queensland. New to the site. I'm after some auto seeds and was hoping that someone on here might have some tips for getting the seeds into the country without having them seized. Or maybe even details of any aussie sites selling auto seeds. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jay. Mate im in the sunny state too! I
Bro tonnes of people come on here with seed questions, but they seem to mainly be stateside where basically any aspect of marijuana is being legalised left right and centre.
Qld is the hardest state in australia to get seeds cos customs are RED HOT! NSW and Canberra are a piece of piss, but processing has taken ages in my instances. Got mates out of state??? If so, nearly any old seedbank will send you a parcel that you/they WILL recieve. My friend, this being said, there are banks that can and will successfully process a transaction to your front door, but there are NO seedbanks in Australia and probally never will be. Do some thorough research. You will find the right site to order from. Just dont use Herbies!!!! They are utter shit....