Buying from Nirvana- Do's and Don'ts?

Red Eye Jim

Active Member
I want to know how secure and reliable purchasing seed from Nirvana is. I see many sites caution this with issues that police can show up at you door etc. I live in the US.

I see that Nirvana offers payment in credit card. I would assume that to protect their business that they would do this descretely. Or is paying in cash the way to go?

Once I receive the seeds, what should I expect? They have "stellth" deivery. What is this like?

I know this site recommends Nirvana, but with any newbie, Paranoia runs ranpid.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest buying one of those disposable giftcard/credit cards to use when ordering.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest buying one of those disposable giftcard/credit cards to use when ordering.
yeah thats a pretty good idea,don't use a fake name , someone i heard used ''harry the potter'' needless to say they had a visit from customs.


Well-Known Member
someone i heard used ''harry the potter'' needless to say they had a visit from customs.
LMFAO, harry the potter!? Customs actually came to his house? Weird he used a fake name, but still gave his physical address?


Well-Known Member
All marijuana laws are different in every state, so I guess that's what really determines it.


Well-Known Member
yeah thats a pretty good idea,don't use a fake name , someone i heard used ''harry the potter'' needless to say they had a visit from customs.
I find that very hard to believe. Nobody is paying someone a visit for a few seeds when no crime has even been committed. I think someone is pulling your leg.


Well-Known Member
I ordered Nirvana and it all went fine. Stealth delivery is just that stealthy.....They ask that people don't say exactly how they do it so it works for them longer. From when I ordered until I got them was about 9 or 10 days. 11/12 sprouted.

Red Eye Jim

Active Member
Glad you told me that on the stealth. Want to keep a good thing going. By the way, this is a really cool site. Great info like good friends BS'ing around a good splib!!


Well-Known Member
i use my CC with dr cronic, i trust the site and know tons of people who do that. I order like 10 seeds every once in a while im not worried about it.


Well-Known Member
I want to know how secure and reliable purchasing seed from Nirvana is. I see many sites caution this with issues that police can show up at you door etc. I live in the US.

I see that Nirvana offers payment in credit card. I would assume that to protect their business that they would do this descretely. Or is paying in cash the way to go?

Once I receive the seeds, what should I expect? They have "stellth" deivery. What is this like?

I know this site recommends Nirvana, but with any newbie, Paranoia runs ranpid.
Last two times I ordered from Nirvana. I set up an account on Nirvana with a fake name. Then I ordered the seeds with my every day debit card, and had them shipped to my house under the same fake name to the same place the grow op is. I got my package both times, nobody has yet to knock on my door.


Well-Known Member
Ive got seeds from nirvana a few times. I use my real name and just pay with my credit card...You not going to end up in jail for a few seeds don't stress about it, even with the US draconian drug laws. They send it stealth, i got all mine in 10 days or so. Happy growing my friend:blsmoke:


Active Member
in my living area a couple of us have had our packages confinscated and all they did was send a letter saying they found contriband in your mail and to claim it come down to post office.of course we have never went.i always pay tells no tails and leaves no trails.I have also used a cc and dont worry about it as long as its outa this country the dea has no way to acesss your info.your seed company isnt going to last long if they turn in there customers.alot of seed banks dont take prepaid cc.some do prepared for it to take longer if you send cash.anywhere from 2-8weeks depending.and 1-4 for cc orders.i always order more when i change to flower i add another kind.good luck hope i opened your eyes.p.s. parinoia keeps you on your toes but to paranoid will drive you crazy.there are thousands of people doing the same thing year after year and as long as your doing it for your own use(not selling it)and tell nobody you will be fine.:joint:


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't be paranoid, with the amount of people buying seeds and such a small percentage getting a letter (like id say less then 1%)... i was more worried about getting product. In the past 3 weeks ive recieved from 3 different seed banks, and i live in canada but it was simple easy and no worries.

i say order from bc seed king or dr cronic, those are 2 that i had the best experiences with

also tons of people (like me) try to push you to seedbanks they use, it gets overwhemling for your first time, i just took a chance and it paid off



Well-Known Member
are you guys shure you can pay whith a prepaid credit card the ones they sell at the store right>>>????


Active Member
I just got my seeds from Nirvana in the mail about a week ago, everything went well and I got my seeds in about 2 weeks. 9 out of 10 sprouted. I used my real name and credit card and had no problems, I wasnt too worried about getting in trouble for 10 seeds. Hope that helps a bit.