buying seeds on internet need advice plz - credit card or cash

mini *grower*..

Active Member
im looking to buy the strain Top 44 from the site i want to order using my credit card as it is easyer but i have heard it is a stupid thing to do. what does everyone else do? if it is a realy stupid thing to do then how do i pay via cash on a site.. lol ive never done it before.

does evryone use credit card, is it safe?..

also is the site a good one

one more thing if any1 has ordered from this site do you no what it comes in does it show any sighn or evidence that marijuana seeds are in it?


as u can tell this is my first time growing


Well-Known Member
go to walmart pay 10 bucks and buy their prepaid visa or mastercard... whatever it is... theres no name attached to it but works exactly like a normal credit card

and most of those sites have names that show up on your bankstatement like

novelties plus
or tshirts4less

something very generic like that

mini *grower*..

Active Member
cheers .. thx for the help. i aint gona hold anything to any1 but i take it its safe and the normall thing to do, to order with a credit card.


Well-Known Member
cash i would recommend, i had a mate he bort from a seedbank and 4 weeks down the line he had 5 o at his door, with a warrent... i know for a fact that he made his grow as secure as possible... no light leaks, didnt tell a soul but still got busted... we are thinkin it was his step bro, they never got on! credit card is what they tracked him with, gives name address also if you bort anythin else for your grow they can track it on that... be careful mate.

happy growing


Well-Known Member
it had to be his step bro cause been ordering seeds for years and never had 5-0 hit my door up about some seeds.

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member is a very reliable seed bank. I have placed several orders and got everyone and their stealth is good. When you open the package, you will understand. Their beans have been very reliable and germ rate is 100%. The strains I have use are stable and I got everything I expected and then some out of their seeds. I highly reccomend them.

I also use a credit card and have had zero issues. They charge exactly what they say and they deliver exactly what you order. Some of their freebies are just so so but after all they are free. I usually try to give them to another grower so he can pass them along one day. I do however have them sent to a safe address. This has so far worked out great and I will do it again. Good luck! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yer, he's bros a right wanker anyway... but personally i think grassing up is a little bit to extreme... my mate could a do a 6 year strech the 5 o recon! personally i think there scaring him... dudes safe though never grassed my grow up :D


Well-Known Member
damn thats some shit right there..
I wouldnt know what to do in that situation well i do but I cant have the critics of RIU on my back.

i know my boy got 9years for his grow op.. this shit aint no joke.


Well-Known Member
You can get a free prepaid debit card at takes about 7-10 days to ship all ya have too do is go too a gas station and put $ on it, i think this way is alot better than cash because green dot insures all your purchases up too $1,000,000