buying strawberrys plants at home depot


Active Member
i was at home depot and saw some strawberry plants and was like hell ya ill throw that in my tent but wasnt sure on what i was looking for so can anyone tell me wht i need to be looking for when looking for a good strawberrry plant from home depot. Some of the plants already had small strawberrie on them is that good?
Along with what CSI said..i would suggest buying the one with as many runners/offshoots as possible. this way when you get home you can set these runners in a new pot and after a couple weeks you can cut the connection stem between the two and have a whole new straw berry plant! Bought One last year have about 20 overwintered in the garage for this year... Hope it Helps =)
alpines mound up and dont send out to many runners alexandria crosses send out tons of runners sequoia do aswell
Along with what CSI said..i would suggest buying the one with as many runners/offshoots as possible. this way when you get home you can set these runners in a new pot and after a couple weeks you can cut the connection stem between the two and have a whole new straw berry plant! Bought One last year have about 20 overwintered in the garage for this year... Hope it Helps =)
thanks man and to all who responded im on my way now to home depot!!!
i got mine at lows im about to take the runners and put them in the eazy cloner to see if they work but im finding out that the nutrient we use is to stong for the soil, i was adviced to use 10 - 10 - 10..i have had them already about 2 months i got like 30 and i only 3 im not a strawberry farmer i think i might have been to agresive with the nutes but im just gona change over to that regie
i bought some a few years ago.. i don't know what strain or w/e they are, but this will be their third year like i said, and they are super, teeny tiny strawberries.. it's very odd indeed..
at first i thought the first year, ok, maybe they're not established yet, next year they're be nice and big.. next year comes and goes, and these things are still super small, and i mean super small.. kind of a waste, and pisses me off more than anything.. just thought i'd throw that out there..
i looked on line you can by the buy the box anystrain well i see alot of strain on thier i think like most people they give up thier crappy clones im guessing shit i put these bad boys in some good ass soil gave them nutes and what your saying makes a lil scence mabe thier is another side to strawberry genetics????? fuck dude i poured out alot of money com to think about i hope not lolz if they do do me dirt its just the good old american way man some one needs to put the good old usa back on the fucken map.. and hand the store an ass woopen for false advertising.... well just my opion i hope not!!!! well they didnt advertise it eaither but my blue berries are strugling also?? man the trees doing very well though..
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as other pointed out, being aware of any plant problems or diseases is going to be the main thing you look for. Just make sure you have a healthy green plant.
alpines they are the best tasting and really expensive to buy from the store

i bought some a few years ago.. i don't know what strain or w/e they are, but this will be their third year like i said, and they are super, teeny tiny strawberries.. it's very odd indeed..
at first i thought the first year, ok, maybe they're not established yet, next year they're be nice and big.. next year comes and goes, and these things are still super small, and i mean super small.. kind of a waste, and pisses me off more than anything.. just thought i'd throw that out there..
i bought some a few years ago.. i don't know what strain or w/e they are, but this will be their third year like i said, and they are super, teeny tiny strawberries.. it's very odd indeed..
at first i thought the first year, ok, maybe they're not established yet, next year they're be nice and big.. next year comes and goes, and these things are still super small, and i mean super small.. kind of a waste, and pisses me off more than anything.. just thought i'd throw that out there..
alpine strawberries.........very tasty them little ones. you do have to grow a bunch of plants for a good harvest, but alpines are worth it; especially the little white ones. hope you have been well......the former Scroglodyte ;)
Along with what CSI said..i would suggest buying the one with as many runners/offshoots as possible. this way when you get home you can set these runners in a new pot and after a couple weeks you can cut the connection stem between the two and have a whole new straw berry plant! Bought One last year have about 20 overwintered in the garage for this year... Hope it Helps =)

Yea, if you are willing to wait this year out with one plant, you will get more than you need worth of free ones from the runners. Otherwise you'll end up having to cut them off and throw them out if you buy a bunch now lol. They are super efficient reproducers.
thanks for keeping the thread running guys. while i was gone u know i had to catch up on my strawberry skillz. this thread helped, i am sure i want alpines and sequoias for my next run of strawberrys. I have not put the plant inside either it is out side.
Anyways the strawberrys need a lower pH to thrive like 5.0 or 5.5 i was gonna transplant them soon with alot of peat moss and a fairley low ph organic potting soil from home depot. Vigoro... to keep the ph low. but i go carried away at home depot and bought a dam garden.i go the following plants crookneck squash, green ocra,parsley,oregono,watermelon,beef tomato,mammoth jalapeno,chilli peper plant. but yeah strawberrys are gonna be fun i already ate one and it was super dank. i wana grow more berries any suggestions
I bought some strawberry roots that you bury but they haven't popped above the soil yet. It was a kind of impulse buy I guess. I threw the packaging away so I'm not sure what type of strawberry they were.. I built a raised bed for them that's about 5'x15' and almost a foot deep and filled it with high quality topsoil. I'm pretty sure that they're bare root strawberries that are dormant until you plant them. Anyone have any idea how long it takes for them to actually grow? They've been planted in the raised bed for over a month now.
thanks for keeping the thread running guys. while i was gone u know i had to catch up on my strawberry skillz. this thread helped, i am sure i want alpines and sequoias for my next run of strawberrys. I have not put the plant inside either it is out side.
Anyways the strawberrys need a lower pH to thrive like 5.0 or 5.5 i was gonna transplant them soon with alot of peat moss and a fairley low ph organic potting soil from home depot. Vigoro... to keep the ph low. but i go carried away at home depot and bought a dam garden.i go the following plants crookneck squash, green ocra,parsley,oregono,watermelon,beef tomato,mammoth jalapeno,chilli peper plant. but yeah strawberrys are gonna be fun i already ate one and it was super dank. i wana grow more berries any suggestions

Not to hijack, but check this out, they collect and grow out all kinds of crazy fruit, like Seaberry, Pawpaw, other berries,cherries, fruit trees, not too expensive either :peace:

They have a little stand when I visit the Concentrates in PDX from time to time, but they ship just about anywhere.