Bud Candy Man
Was wonder when the state considers my clones a plant ? is it when I take the cutting or when root s pop or what? noot sure if even they know?!
No rules are good for us, just ask Wall street . You see where they got us. Funny you mention it I am a Union Carpenter lol ,http://www.michigan.gov/mobi/mdard/0,,7-125-2968_4823---,00.html
Here's another good one full of all kinds of regulations. Basically you wanna turn a profit doing anything you gotta pay up.
You ever try to be a carpenter?,or any skilled trade really. Gotta jump through 100 hoops just to get to the job and then you pay out 30 minutes of every hour to the union and taxes. Shit sucks but its just how we roll. Just plan accordingly and don't over extend yourself and you can make a very nice living by playing by the "rules"
I know I sound like some fucking 1984 robot but these regulations are put into place (in theory) to protect against people from being able to truly take advantage of the market and flip whole economies upside down. Non regulation leads to major problems eventually. Someone try's to go so big they kill all the wild life in the Great Lakes cause they spilled a truckload of fulvic acid or somethin worse. Someday we will find the happy middle. I hope anyway.
Thanks I don't know that I truly deserved either of those compliments but when one is as short on kind words as I am you take what you can get !Man HGK, you are not only a great gardener but a cool cat, ya do a good job helping people. Just thought you should know.
Hopefully one day soon, which I believe will be sooner than later, all of this will be a distant memory. Old adage it takes money to make money is a truism.
Now that I think about it I only ever heard about the roots popping thing when I worked in the shops. Alot of people going to those Danny t classes and whatnot always had the new scoop. That just kinda was what everyone said and I guess I never really did see it actually in writing. Would be nice of someone to clarify this for sure.To really answer the question for the OP, i don't believe there is anything written into the law about when a cutting is considered a new plant. This would then be up to police for an arrest and the courts for prosecution.
Please someone correct me if i am wrong (written law, not your opinion).
Exactly! I've read the same bullshit on these forums a million times but never once seen it written in MMMA laws, and i've read every word of it...Now that I think about it I only ever heard about the roots popping thing when I worked in the shops. Alot of people going to those Danny t classes and whatnot always had the new scoop. That just kinda was what everyone said and I guess I never really did see it actually in writing. Would be nice of someone to clarify this for sure.
Paging PPS...... Paging Professorpotsnob.....Exactly! I've read the same bullshit on these forums a million times but never once seen it written in MMMA laws, and i've read every word of it...
To my knowledge it is undefined.