c02 & Humidity ?'s

So if i decide to push co2 im thinking when I seal everything up air tight wouldnt the humidity rise a lot with no exhaust? I already have humidity issues in my climate and dont want to make it worse but would love to try to get a min of 800ppm co2 in my room.

I am really leaning towards those breath bags because well they are cheap and they say one will double the c02 in a 6x6 sealed room for 6 months. So I have about that size and was thinking two or three bags. I would just do the tanks and all but it would be very conspicuous carrying large c02 tanks in and out my place every few weeks imo. And I have no idea where to get a tank and have it filled.

Either or im still thinking humidity will be rising a lot as they perspire but just looking for any suggestions.


Active Member
So if i decide to push co2 im thinking when I seal everything up air tight wouldnt the humidity rise a lot with no exhaust? I already have humidity issues in my climate and dont want to make it worse but would love to try to get a min of 800ppm co2 in my room.

I am really leaning towards those breath bags because well they are cheap and they say one will double the c02 in a 6x6 sealed room for 6 months. So I have about that size and was thinking two or three bags. I would just do the tanks and all but it would be very conspicuous carrying large c02 tanks in and out my place every few weeks imo. And I have no idea where to get a tank and have it filled.

Either or im still thinking humidity will be rising a lot as they perspire but just looking for any suggestions.
I'm trying the dry ice approach. I've read that two pounds of dry ice will elevate CO2 levels to 2000 ppm in a 10x10 room. CO2 is heavier than air, so I have an opening to slow down melt and slow release. My RH stays between 40 and 60 percent depending on when my last watering took place. Temps have been a bit of a problem. It'll get to 90 f if I don't watch it.


So your not the first grower to think about this what I my self did a few years ago was buy a smaller fan than my reg exhaust and hook it up to a humidistat around 25.00 than if your hummidty reaches over a set level your room starts to exhaust untell it reaches a safe zone again ...also i bought a roll around luggage suit cause that was big enough to put my co2 tank in so my neigbors just thought once or twice a mouth theres billy loading his suit case again ...must be for bussniss jk ..


as for were to get your tank and have it filled ...alot of people of kegorators your local beer company might be able to help you find a source to fill your kegorator myself i talked my local bar into saleing me a couple tanks and i bring them back trade them for new ones pay the bartender what it cost him to refill it ..or check your local hydro store if you have one ?


Active Member
Co2 does raise ur humidity levels but in veg dats wat u want and in flower u want to lower humidity dats why u install exhaust fan in dark cycle with filter to exhaust humidity soon as lights go off, a timer wouls work out great for u ,i recommend a burner but if u wanna go liquid co2 dats fine too.i have a sealed room so i know wat ur going thru,itll pay off in end tho,good luck!!!
Do you not have the cash for a dehumidifier?

its on the way. My woman seems to think co2 isnt safe for us since my grown is on the top floor (and co2 falls) and I know how much of a pain in the ass its going to be to seal my room air tight. so im still thinking about the co2....is it really worth it? I also read somewhere that some growers reported to high times co2 decreased potency...is that true?


You and your lady are fine as long as you seal that room. I have tried everything to provide co2 in my garden from making beer in a 55 gallon drum, dry ice, co2 bags, etc.. that whole time I should have saved my money for a controller and co2 tanks which I ended up purchasing anyway. I understand what your objective is but you might as well just have a constant air in and air out for the time being. You have to keep in note that a controller is the only way you can accurately supply co2 in your garden. Don't waste your money with quick methods that might make a small difference. Once plants get developed, they will feed more co2 so it should be constant. I have experienced using co2 tanks. It's good to read but the only way you will grow the best weed is strain and providing her with the best environment that you can. I truly believe that co2 helps specially making your colas fat. If you can't go big, then keep it simple and utilize the equipment that you have.
not to sound conceded but if my colas got any bigger on some of my strains I swear they would explode. So I need a controller and a regulator?

It just seems it would be easier for me to control my high temps sealing the room blasting it with a/c and supplying it with co2. It gets hard bringing temps down when you need constant supply of fresh air which can sometimes be 100F


What I meant to say is if your just aiming for 800 ppm, just have a constant air in and air out. My room set up is sealed w/8 1000w lights(in air cooled hoods) and I'm using a 3 ton AC to cool and dehumidify the room. I also have an extra dehumidifier because my girls get big(6-7 ft) and they transpire more. Reason I purchased this heavy duty AC is to fully control the room because temp and humidity goes up when CO2(1500 ppm) is present. I'm just giving you an idea so just modify it with your set up. Keep in note that for every 1000w, you need 4000 btu. If its air cooled, 3000 btu. Yes, you would need a controller, regulator, and CO2 tank. I recommend you invest on these equipments. I improved my yield to 25-30% more and my veg time is quicker which means more cyle/harvest per year. Tanks are sold @ indoor garden stores or check online for local stores. You can refill them @ garden stores or welding shops. If you have nosy neighbors, take the tank inside when its dark. Let me know if you have questions.
wow dude your setup is awesome. and good info about the ac! +rep

Im probably going to get the co2 just going to take some time. I just passed up a used hydro logic 20lb'er on ebay for $160 shipped w/ a reg. because of my lunchin ol lady!


Active Member
im in the same boat do i really need a co2 monitor and how much times dureing the light hours do i turn it on and for how long i got a (c.a.p controller) and wen do i introduce co2 and wen do i stop it thnx and great thread m8


I recommend a controller because it can maintain the ppm level that you want for your girls. The controller will do the work. Read the manuals. There are different functions that'll best suite your room. I introduce co2 once they leave prop tray and stop it 2 weeks before harvest.