

Active Member
Most growers out there have watched the Mr. Green grow tutorials ....well i have a question on one of his methods, he claims that by spraying your plants with bubbly water it is a way to get them c02. Anyone have experience with this?



Well-Known Member
Supplimental CO2 is only effective in an enclosed space, even moreso its only effective once you have maximized your plants growing potential to the point that they use all the ambient Co2 and thus to increase potential you need to add it. Most plants in most room get all the Co2 they can handle.

I dont mist my plants hardly ever, too easy to cause singing from HID hotspots when you spray them regularly, so i havnt used this technique but even thinking about c02 might be a few steps ahead of yourself unless your room is perfect and at the right temps, your nutes are at perfect levels, and your ventilation is set up to effectivly expose your co2 ammended air instead of just exhausting it.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
As I have posted before---you DO-NOT have to run ventilation if you are using co2 from cylinders unless you just need to remove heat fro your room----we run our rooms with co2 at night and never vent(we do go in and out of the rooms for general plant maintenance/water----that's it!!!)--the rooms are air-tight---------.