CA outdoor


Well-Known Member
this was a month ago...IMG_0383.jpg and this is now... IMG_0660.jpg
IMG_0659.jpgthe one in the back is grape ape, the 2 on the left are sweet tooth, and the one on the right is gdp. the sweet tooth and grape ape are about 4 1/2 feet tall.



Well-Known Member
a few of the big fan leaves near the underside of the grape ape are turning yellow/falling off.. is this because theyre not getting light? or is this normal?


Well-Known Member
a few of the big fan leaves near the underside of the grape ape are turning yellow/falling off.. is this because theyre not getting light? or is this normal?
probably going into flowering, what nurtrients are you using? pics look great!
Your plants are looking good. I wouldn't worry about some of the older leaves turning yellow and falling off -- it's normal for a plant to shed some of its leaves as it puts more energy and nutrients into the growing tips. But if it is more than a few at a time you have a nitrogen deficiency. Given the dark green color in the rest of the plant, I would be surprised if that's the case, but this time of year when they are busting out it can't hurt to up your N when feeding with organics.


Well-Known Member
_DSC9145.jpg still no buds. only few hairs.. more hairs on the small one on the bottom right.. ahhh.. only had about 2 seconds to snap a picture before my lens got all fogged up.. ha


Well-Known Member
Grape ape.... IMG_0719.jpg
Sweet tooth.... IMG_0713.jpg

Grape ape... IMG_0717.jpg Canna-loupe... (also in green house) IMG_0720.jpg
GDP? ... IMG_0710.jpg Grape ape.. IMG_0711.jpg SWEEt tooth... IMG_0708.jpgIMG_0722.jpg


Well-Known Member
IMG_0814.jpgIMG_0831.jpgtheses little fuckers ate the shit out of the leaves! .. found four so far.. working on getting rid of them... any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I'm having the same problem here man, Damn caterpillars eating everything up..killed 3 butterflies today hoping they didn't already leave their babies in my plants. I'm going to go pick up some Safer brand caterpillar killer as I was told its effective and safe to use up until around harvest. That and BT, which is also organic.

Plants are looking great though man, I got a few grape apes too man!

Oh and you wanna get rid of the caterpillars sooner than later, one of my plants might be ruined from them already, I pulled over 25 of those little fuckers off of my plant yesterday, they were eating the buds from the inside out and left their lil poops everywhere which seemed to rot the bud away...



Well-Known Member
Those are the biggest pillars I have seen in awhile! Gotta get them small man! :( BT and Safer is what I have been using as well. Don't skip a treatment!


Well-Known Member
started using MAXSEA and Molasses
sweet tooth... 6 ft tall..
IMG_0997.jpgthis is the grape ape... IMG_1003.jpgand this is my smallest plant... strain unkown... IMG_1005.jpgHow much longer do you think the last plant has til harvest?


Well-Known Member
Nice grow, would use spinosad instead of the BT, worms thrived on my medi while was spraying 2 times week with Safer Caterpillar Killer. Luck to you.