Cab - 200W HPS - 4x BS JH 1x Blue Pyramid - First Grow


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Ok so I have been vegging these in a cabinet roughly 4*6*6 although I am unsure but i have pics so you may judge for yourself.
I am growing 4 x Blackskull Jack Herer and 1 x Blue Pyramid Auto.
Using a 200w HPS Son-T Bulb.

Made a few mistakes already though over nuted them and one of them ended up shrivelling and leaves turning yellow. At least a thought this was over nuting maybe it is to warm in the closet but i very much doubt it doesnt feel like its ever too warm because after i have took that out to recooperate on the window a blue pyramid has now done it as well a week and a half after a stopped putting any nute in and just watered them.

I would say I am on roughly week 3 so here is as follows:


Anyone got any pointers and tips or comments about what I am doing wrong? Bare in mind am on a tight budget i just want to pay them minimal to get some nice buds lol


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Good to hear, not sure if its just me but the big Jack Herer i have isnt half growing, im sure its starting to smell a tiny bit already if thats even possible :/ going to be a lovely smoke if all goes right :) shall post some more pics in about 2 weeks, should hopefully be all transplanted into pots for flowering by then.

yeah thats what i have done just went straight back to water, my littlest and biggest JH are coming along lovely but my second biggest JH looks like it could be a pheno, or maybe i have messed up when planting, could be a pot of gold, white widow or a random bag seed as i messed up in germination and destroyed a few dank seeds unfortunately :(
Im sure its out of the same bag as the other JH though. My over nuted JH is now starting to recover so i have already transplanted this in hope it will catch up on the others. Real shame about the blue pyramid as it was an auto, so now doubt the yield and potential of that plant are now gone :( still returned it into the grow room though so we shall see how it progresses :)


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Update with some pics of the finished room hopefully sorted a heat issue out by having an extra fan pointing towards the light. I reckon a week more before flower or does anyone reckon longer? Not sure how tall they will get that's all.

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Also I could do with editing the thread title... it's a 250w HPS SON-T bulb and light fixture i am using. Also the blue Pyramid passed away unfortunately not sure why just seemed to stop growing and turn yellow :-/


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Previous Post Images:


shall be updating with some new pics soon they have come along very well :) Then after this update later there al done one more on the day a put them into flower :)


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Last update before they go in flower, how much bigger would you expect them to get? Well a think they could do with being a bit more stable, the two no the right look the same, but the one on the left at the back looks a lot more Sativa like and the one at front left... well a don't quite know whats happened with that one, used to be growing nicely as first too.

Anyways whats your thoughts? Any recommendations/tips? How big do you think they will reach in flower?

Also anyone care to hazard a guess on yields on each plant? See who ends up the closest :)