Cabinet Fires.


Hooked an air conditioner up to the cool is cold, air on the other side of the tube is cold. directing the cool air towords ballast would be good. My old ballast used to get pretty hot. One got so hot it stopped working. Are there any fires from ballasts overheating?

I was building a cabinet the other day and my saw overheated and starting smoking out.:eyesmoke:
I know the light causes fires, my little bro threw is bath towel on a lamp and it set the house on fire. Fires caused by ballasts makes me wonder.


Well-Known Member
what????? People run the high quality ones all day on their fish tanks, etc with ZERO probs. You sound YOUNG do more reading, less posting.


Well-Known Member
has to be prossible anything is prossible i havn't seen one but you could check youtube maybe some one caught it befor it got bad and posted it as a warning
like that guy with the cfls that cracked and he plugs it in and it pissed and spit murcury everywere (could turn your op into a not and take you house with it)


Well-Known Member
what????? People run the high quality ones all day on their fish tanks, etc with ZERO probs. You sound YOUNG do more reading, less posting.
i believe ballast hold and supply power from a outlet to the bulb now call me crazy but i believe anything that creates power harnesses it or generates it can possibly catch fire
its like santa just because you havn't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist be open minded about sh*t my friend


Well-Known Member
I mean it is possible, but not something I worry about if I've taken most precautions. I probably used to run 1000+ watts when I was living with my Parents in just aquariums/reptile setups. People worry about it too much. I think they want you to be more scared than you should be.


Well-Known Member
i believe ballast hold and supply power from a outlet to the bulb now call me crazy but i believe anything that creates power harnesses it or generates it can possibly catch fire
its like santa just because you havn't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist be open minded about sh*t my friend
Never said that bud. Just because you've heard of Aliens doesn't mean they exist. I'm VERY mechanically inclined and know how things work in this world, so maybe it comes a little easier to me. Maybe I also read 10x more than most people on the interenet, I don't know. I have a feeling I'm right though.

Heres the point. People are running tons of energy to their heat, AC, etc and as long as you know what you're doing you SHOULD be ok. Doesn't mean some freak thing won't start on fire, but probably not if you have done you're homework, and your little brother doesn't touch it....


Well-Known Member
im sorry i couldn't help myself but your probally right and its like one of those plane crash probabilities 1 in a billion or a million or some crap


Well-Known Member
Nah, I got ahead of myself. I guess I should be more specific to some people so they don't plug 2k+ into a surge protector and then run an 8 amp extention cord to it or something like that. I check my shit over like most people should. DAILY. To put it in perspective I have around 4k running every day, but make sure the cords I have running can take it, and that the breakers are designed for it. Normally no more than 11-12 amps on a 15 amp breaker for me anyway, and I try to stay an amp-2 under on the cords I run. It took a ton of planning that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
i rather read books
you dont have to brag about going to a trade school some people are bankers and some people are plumbers im not knocking you calm down
but my toilet is having problems what do you suggest i do draino didn't do it is there somthing better i can use


Well-Known Member
LOL you sound dumb as fuck though. This is why I read 10x more than I post ladies and gents. Here, you go take some pics of your setup, and I'll go take some pics of my setup. Let's come back and share. Yeah, eh, that's what I thought........


Well-Known Member
You are the people who make this forum, at times, horrible. Don't give advice until you you know wtf you are talking about.

OP if you take the time to read, and understand what you're getting into I think the chance of fire is pretty low. Go look on some of the reptile forums and see how many watts some of those hobbyist are running.


Well-Known Member
u called the kid dumb dont try to cover up me defending a helpless little child who doesn't read apparently from what you said
your a mean person who will go to hell if you dont stray from the path that your on only god can save you because your parents hates you


Active Member
If I may contribute, what the frog is saying is that fires don't happen just because it's a piece of marijuana growing equipment. Your ballast has no more chance of catching fire than your refrigerator, toaster oven, space heater, etc. I guess the difference in knowledge is between homeowners and renters, a homeowner is likely more familiar with his electric than an apartment dweller.

Also, if you're wiring your own shit together and you're afraid it'll catch fire, then you probably shouldn't be wiring shit together. Spot on, hornedfrog, I'd say 90% of cabinet fires are the result of operator error.

Now... a thread about noobs doing stupid shit and setting their cabs on fire in the process would've been far more entertaining and informative than a thread that perpetuates an irrational fear. +rep to frog


Well-Known Member
but as you said it is possible and as i said he does need a shrink hes a f*cking angry person and im no electrician or electrical hobbiest but i alls i was saying like you is anything is possible even if your a mechanical genius