Cacti or salvia


Hi I'm not a new member I just joined the party late and not much I can say besides read and learn from RIU. I don't know if I'm in the right place to post this but I would like to know if someone wanted to trade some cacti(trich family(San Pedro, peyote, Peruvian torch)) or salvia

I bought a salvia plant online once but it came half dead and despite my efforts it didn make it. Bought some cacti seeds but not sure if they are viable sinc they haven't sprouted after a month.

Anyways I grow cannabis and I could trade for seeds that I have purchased. I have also made some femenized seeds.

If no one is interested in helping out I can buy online again but I would prefer not getting it from commercial people since they are sacred plants.


Used for the connection with the inner self and the spirit world. Both have been used by shamans in America and native Americans. Plants that should be used sparingly and only when an aspect of life needs reviewing


Point is I would prefer trading with someone that cares and not just a money hungry dealer that doesn't take care of these plants.


Well-Known Member
I would try just getting another cutting online. There are some reputable places to get salvia cuttings. Sorry though I don't know dick about cacti. (I am a mushie lover) But I do know of the history of salvia, and have tried it enough times to know I will never smoke it again. Nothing sacred about crawling around on the ground drooling with that crawly itchy skin feeling. lol. But I would like to grow it someday.


Well-Known Member
^ agree, will never smoke salvia again, I did do it when I was real young, maybe it was just to much for me then, honestly I would say just go for a oral dose of DMT with a MAOI