Cakes Pinning Majorly But Not Fully Colonized Yet


Well-Known Member
so my cakes are pinning big time, but theres like maybe an inch or two on the bottom that hasnt fully colonized yet.what to do.


Well-Known Member
no its not like an inch or two in depth its literally like less than an inch on the very bottom of the one uncolonized-spot.


Active Member
They are pinning in-virto? (inside the jar)
Is there any light getting to the jars?
If so, you need to keep your jars in complete darkness, the mycelium uses light as a pinning trigger.
The jar keeps it super humid in there (as you can see with the condensation on the inside of the jar) so if light gets in there, it pins.

I would do what canndo said, cut off the un-colonized portion, and fruit it. It should pull through. Myc is very vigorous.


Active Member
if i understand you right, this is a VERY bad thing for you! once your mycellium have colonized the jar 100% that you can see, you STILL need to let them germinate in there another week! if you're seeing actual pinning at the top, with the bottom not even visibly colonized, you might as well throw that jar out.

hopefully only one jar is showing in vitro pinning, and the rest are fine...make sure there isn't any light getting to your growing mycellium jars, light is a trigger for pinning...


Well-Known Member
Maybe your moisture contents were off and the mycelium had a hard time colonizing the whole jar.

Whatever it is, I wouldn't wait around for it to finish.... Do like Canndo said, use a sterile knife and cut out the pins and some of the mycelium that you have.

Any idea why you are getting such early pins to trigger? Have you been opening your jars?


Well-Known Member
i think it has to do with my moisture levels being off due to me using horticultural verm instead of regular. that stuff was so fine...and no my incubator was covered..2x over...and spraypainted..the only uncolonized part was on the bottom of the jar about the size of my pinky fingernail..even smaller.


Well-Known Member
i think it has to do with my moisture levels being off due to me using horticultural verm instead of regular. that stuff was so fine...and no my incubator was covered..2x over...and spraypainted..the only uncolonized part was on the bottom of the jar about the size of my pinky fingernail..even smaller.
probably moisture content or possibly packed the jar to much, with brf you want it slightly packed but still pretty light an fluffy. Your moisture could have been off, but reguardless of what type of verm, you must make sure its feild capacity. you could remove the uncolonized part and dunk and roll to finish it off, with a hindered yeild of course.


Well-Known Member
the little bit that was uncolonized just colonized in my fc. and now i have mushrooms.


Well-Known Member
for future reference, turn your jar upside down a bit so that the uncolonised stuff is at the top, mycelium tends to grow upwards and out .