Cal / mag - canna monos - Ro water - water farm question...


Well-Known Member
Hey... Basically Id like to know a couple of things...


is this a mag deficiancy???

Im using Ro water with ppm of 11.... adding 100 ppm of both canna mono cal (15%ca) and canna mag (7%mgo).... Is this enough????

What should the ppm of a folliar spay with either or or both be???

Lemon Diesel

Week 3 of flower 1250 ppm of general hydro flora series --- ph steady at 5.6 - 5.8 --- 26 - 28 degrees --- 55% humidity - 400watt ballast

Yeah, this is my first hydro grow and been reading alot of conflicting info on cal mag ppm

Thanks Chris
That certainly looks exactly like the problems I was experiencing that I put down to a Cal/Mag deficiency. The strain I first noticed it as a problem on was Mad Shack from Sannies. The consensus seemed to be that they were 'sensitive' to Cal/Mag - which to me sounded like they couldn't tolerate it. From my experience it actually meant it needed extra to be added. I got some 'Bloom Cal/Mag' and started giving it at 1ml per litre and all fresh growth was free from problems. Been using it ever since and not seen one rust spot. You can also use Epsom salts - not done it myself, I'm sure others can advise on that.
Do you have a scope kinda looks like mite bites to me.

Can't disagree with that. The smaller yellow looking bits could well be mite bites. Might actually be two separate issues (as the rust is most definitely not insects).

Thanks man... that pretty much answered my question.... ppm of ro water with calmag shoud be 200, and he said if you have a mag deficiency then add an extra 100 ppm of mag.... wasnt too sure as theres a lot of differing info out there....