Calcium defeciency or pest problem or ??????


wondering if you guys can help me diagnose this prob...what does this look like to you guys? ca def pest or something else??

the wounds look like small polka dot burns on the leaves...check out the pics...

strain: pure OG
medium: coco
ph: 5.9
ppm: 800ish
...btw this only happening to 4 out of the 20 girls.

weird thing is that these happened to the 4 girls that i had under a flourescent strip ( i needed to buy time since my 1 400mh didnt do enough justice for 20 ladies during i placed 4 girls that couldnt get enoug light under a flourescent fixture)

please help a brotha out. thanks in advance. :bigjoint:



Does anyone know what's going on? Any suggstions? I can't be the only one that had this prob before..