Calcium Deficiency?


One of my plants is starting to get some orange and brown spots. I was thinking it could be a calcium deficiency. These plants are auto so I have them half a dose of cal mag. It hasn't seem to have helped it yet. I was wondering if I should give them a full dose or if there's anything else to help them. Sorry for the LED pictures. I'm in week 6 with these plants.


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first pic kinda looks like calcium def, how is your pH?
I'm using soil so my pH going in is around 6.5. My runoff has been looking good too, staying at 6.5. I've been giving my plants 1/2 of recommended nutrients because their auto. So I'm wondering if they just need more nutrients, not getting enough calcium?
Could it be nutrient lockout? If you're using synthetic nutrients salt build up in the root ball can slow down uptake. Try a couple feedings of ph water only or ph water with cal-mg but no regular nutes.
I'm using soil so my pH going in is around 6.5. My runoff has been looking good too, staying at 6.5. I've been giving my plants 1/2 of recommended nutrients because their auto. So I'm wondering if they just need more nutrients, not getting enough calcium?
be careful adding more, sometimes that can just make things worse

if those leaves are already affected then im not sure if they will recover, you need to check unaffected leaves and see if they are still staying ok.

Also i run my ph at 6.7 - 7 - i think (and someone please correct me if im wrong) that 6.5 is the lower limit for Calcium uptake in soil, might be worth upping the ph slightly
Could it be nutrient lockout? If you're using synthetic nutrients salt build up in the root ball can slow down uptake. Try a couple feedings of ph water only or ph water with cal-mg but no regular nutes.
yes could be, I think excess Phosphorous can cause Calcium/Magnesium lock out
Too much salts. Leach with fresh water. Then add back even less nutes. Look for clearish runoff. Bet it's pretty yellow.

Calcium gets locked out easily with blocked roots.

Better to show whole plant and closeup and in natural light for good analysis.