Calcium hypochlorite 65% how much per litres to replace ucroots


Well-Known Member
Just need to know how much hth pool shock Calcium hypochlorite 65% per gallon to replace uc roots i can only find math for the 45% calcium hypochlorite and im horrible with conversions can anyone help me out, been using ucroots successfully but its super expensive eccpecially when I use 500ml every rez change
Here is a quote from an old post with all the math you need. You will need to change the 49% to 65% because your shock is stronger. I dont know anything about UCroots, so no clue how to adjust for that, but its generally accepted that 1 to 5 PPM of chlorine is safe..

Note: I have some calcium hypochlorite (pool shock) that says 49% available chlorine. How much do I add to get 2 ppm of chlorine to a 100 gallon reservoir?

To figure for 2 ppm of TOTAL chlorine is simple.

Remember 1mg/L = 1 ppm

So 2 ppm would be 2 mg per liter of water.

100 gallons = 378.5 liters. So 378.5 x 2 = 757 mg

But its only 49 percent strong. So 757/.49=1545 mg or 1.545 g

Example2 - I've been using a pool shock solution for the last 1.5 years now. Its been working great. I was hesitant to try it at first, but its been the most cost effective solution to a sterile res. I spent $9 on powdered pool shock and have not even used 1/4 of the container since I started. I mix 1/2 tsp of shock powder with 1 gallon of water and shake. Then I add that solution to my res at 1 ounce of solution per gallon in the res about every 3-4 days. Just thought I'd share my experience.
Ok thanks guys I appreciate it, gunna save me some serious money. Uc roots is 150 a gallon where I am and I run through it like crazy. I was pretty pissed when I found out what I was paying for
I started using 65% shock, .10 grams per 10gal is 1ppm. That’s what I’m doing, 1-2ppm. You would need a .00 scale. Based on that, 1 gram would be 1ppm in 100 gallons.
So if I wanted 1ppm in my res of 100gallons how would I make my mix... do I make my mix first and then put it in or do I put a gram straight into my res.. and if I make my mix before let's say I make 10 gallons at 1ppm how many ml of this solution do I add per gallon of my res
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So if I wanted 1ppm in my res of 100gallons how would I make my mix... do I make my mix first and then put it in or do I put a gram straight into my res.. and if I make my mix before let's say I make 10 gallons at 1ppm how many ml of this solution do I add per gallon of my res
I run 80 gallons, I mix .80 grams in a 10 gallon jug and add it to my res like a top up to achieve 1ppm in the system. If I wanted 2ppm, 1.60 grams... I would do 100 gallons the same, 1.00 gram Into 10 gallons into the res. If you only add 10 gallons @ 1ppm to 100, it would be diluted.

I picked up the .10grams per 10 gallons measurement from @rkymtnman as he had experience with it and it was the simplest safest way I found.

So add 1.00 grams of shock to 10 gallons of water then add that 10 gallons to the existing 90 gallons (like a top up) to achieve 100 gallons total at 1ppm
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I run 80 gallons, I mix .80 grams in a 10 gallon jug and add it to my res like a top up to achieve 1ppm in the system. If I wanted 2ppm, 1.60 grams... I would do 100 gallons the same, 1.00 gram Into 10 gallons into the res. If you only add 10 gallons @ 1ppm to 100, it would be diluted.

I picked up the .10grams per 10 gallons measurement from @rkymtnman as he had experience with it and it was the simplest safest way I found.

So add 1.00 grams of shock to 10 gallons of water then add that 10 gallons to the existing 90 gallons (like a top up) to achieve 100 gallons total at 1ppm
Sweet thanks man!!
I have a few questions to ask of the cogniscenti here & also, since I'm a bit of a mathematical numpty, I need someone to help/confirm my maths/logic. I've been using small doses of 50% H2O2, but it seems rather exy compared to using Pool Shock.

I can get 65% granular Calcium Hypochlorite & want to dose a 150L reservoir to 2ppm. According to the calculations above:

2ppm = 2mg/L

150 x 2 = 300mg

300/0.65 = 461mg (aka 0.461g)

If I wanted to make a 1L "stock/concentrated" solution:

4.61g in 1L & dose @ 100ml, or

46g in 1L & dose @ 10ml

So here's my questions:

1. Have I got the maths right, or have I moved too many decimal places?? :dunce:

2. Is there any advantage/disadvantage to making a stock solution & using it this way, or is it better to measure & use "fresh" each time?

3. Assuming it's OK, How long will a stock solution remain viable? I'm assuming that since folks are dosing every 3-4 days, that it's going to degrade over time, so creating smaller batches of stock solution more frequently is better than creating a single large one?

I normally do a res. change every 14 days & the depleted nutrient solution goes to my veggie garden & outdoor plants. However, I don't want to dump something on them that's potentially going to kill-off the beneficial bacteria in my soil. Since I've been using H2O2, I've never worried about this, 'cos I know it breaks down & won't hurt anything.

4. Am I anally over-thinking this, or should I just take a chill-pill?

5. Which great opponent of Cartesian Dualism resists the reduction of psychological phenomena to a physical state & insists that there is no point of contact between the extended & the unextended?

OK, so you can ignore that last question.............:roll:


Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.
Dr. Seuss
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