Calcium/magnesium deficiency???????


Active Member
It is in FFOF fresh soil. Day 20. It was like this before my ONE and only feed which was 1/2 grow big. So it has nothing to do with my added nutes. Plant distance is 10" away from plant, and when I hold my hand over the plant it is not hot. Thanks I am using ph 6.3 to 6.5 spring water, and only water when it is dry, which is about every 3 to 4 days. I use bout 20oz of your water just to see a lil runoff, and I have tested my soil runoff which is fine. She is in a 3 gallon pot. Thanks!!!!!!


Don't make yourself crazy bawse103. This plant is 20 days old and potted in fresh soil as you stated in another thread. So just stop fertilizing if you already do it and water with tab water and watch how the plant does after this treatment. Also heat issues can be recognized due to rising edges of the leaves. But your pictures doesn't show this symptom. So your problem is most likely caused due to overfertilizing. If this is not the case there's also the possibilty to use mono nutrients. But this is just useful for experienced growers. Without experience one is likely to make it just worse.


Active Member
Too late, IM past crazy:wall: hoooooooop lol. Thanks for the post!!! :-P P.S. So for my next water, just use ph 6.5 tap water??? I have been using ph 6.5 spring. :peace: