California record surplus, strong economy, plans for recession and invest in its people


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Jerry Brown unveils record $132 billion California budget for 2018-19

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Jerry Brown urged lawmakers to remain vigilant as they debate the record-setting $132 billion general fund budget he proposed Wednesday, saying that there’s an “inevitable recession lurking in our future.”

The January budget proposal kicks off six months of negotiations with the Democratic-led Legislature and will be the final budget under the termed-out governor ahead of the November election.

“This is a prudent budget,” Brown said.

After years of short sighted and failing leadership from Republicans who were grinding the state down into default and failure, Democrats took over and now the state is showing the rest of the country what investing in its people and infrastructure can do. Jerry Brown isn't declaring victory, however. He's doing what Republicans never do. Save during the good times to tide the state over through bad.
