Call to Peacefully Assemble.


Well-Known Member
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[TD="class: vTop"]Before I explain what this event is, please click "join" or "maybe" in the upper right hand corner of your screen. Proceed to invite every friend on your friends list. Trust me, this is of utmost importance. It does matter if you support medical marijuana or the legalization of marijuana or who you are affiliated with. This is a MARIJUANA sponsored event.

In the past two months, the Senate and the House of Representatives have passed SEVEN bills in the Judiciary Committees that will render the patient aspect of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act useless. Those bills will float to the house and senate floors and be amended further without our permission or input.

On or around April 18, 2012, a "Distribution Model" will be presented to the House floor. This will kill the Act for caregivers, compassion clubs, farmers markets, dispensaries, and patients in certain areas. THE BILL WILL ALLOW LOCAL GOVERNMENT TO BAN THE USE OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA and create ordinances. It will only allow caregivers to grow and donate to their own patients. Farmers Markets will be a thing of the past. Dispensaries will have a model like Colorado. They are trying to make it so Michigan does not have growers.

After calling around today in disgust for the bills package & the bills that have already been voted on, I also heard that a few Reps and Senators are ALREADY getting together to create bills to AMEND THE LEGALIZATION ACT IF IT GETS ON THE BALLOT AND IS PASSED.

This is no longer a medical marijuana fight. They will kill the MMMA of 2008. If legalization happens, we will have the same type of fight. This hurts the sick & dying and the economy.

All marijuana supporters need to ban together, regardless of affiliation and join me on the Capitol steps. DEMAND they stop amending the MMMA of 2008, demand ALL LEVELS of safe access medicine.

As of now, the Capitol is going to be reserved soon. I am planning on it being the week of April 9-13 (the week after Hash Bash and the week before the Distribution bill is entered). Until then, PLEASE pass this information along and get it VIRAL. We need bodies and supporters.

Vendors for anything other than meds are welcome & there will be legalization signature booths as well.

LET US UNITE AGAINST CONGRESS, THE AG, & Law enforcement's interpretation of the law.

will only allow caregivers to grow and donate to their own patients. Farmers Markets will be a thing of the past.

So now more greed? I am all for that.
Farmers Markets are probably going to go down soon.

The problem is that they are for the Farmers, not the patients. At least that's how the State sees it.