Calling on all of you beautiful led freaks & geeks! I've got a budget of about 600$


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong area!

I was originally going to go with a 600watt hid in a 2×4×7'11" setup. the company sent me all used and/or broken things. I've been battling back and forth for a refund for almost a month now. Well I got the refund about 20 minutes ago!

I have decided to go with led because it's much more economical for me to run than an hid. Especially when I ran the numbers for power consumption. I realize that led is going to run me more for an initial setup compared to hid but the savings in the long run did it for me. For the cost of the hid kit and to run it for 3 months came out to almost 600$ That's just for the power consumption of my grow alone. I figure why not go with led then, it will only cost about 40 a month to run everything In my space. It seems like a no brainer too me especially since I've not set up anything to dial my tent in.

So, this is where i need you wonderful led freaks and geeks to help me out. I've been doing some reading and looking over some builds and sites. To be frank, I'm totally confused haha. I have learned a few things along the way but not enough to feel confident to not ask for help. There are so many choices of products and lots of information it's very overwhelming, especially for a new guy like my self. I also want to make sure I dont get something not worth it and end up having light envy! I'm going to be honest, a part of me asking. is do to being a bit lazy but its mostly because I'm overwhelmed. So, I've got around 600 to spend, who wants to help?

I realize I've contradicted my self between here and my original budget post. I've decided that spending the extra money up front now will save me headaches in the long run. especially since I've bought some good equipment already. I know that this setup is not going to give me pounds upon pounds and that is ok. This is for me not a way to try and get rich. I just want to make sure that If I'm going to buy something I want it to be worth while and last a few years!

If I couldn't be any more complicated I'm looking to do this buy the end of the week and if I go diy to have said diy done by next weekend. Hey, ive got some beans that are waiting on me and I want to gets a going!

I appreciate all of your help. I'm not going to take advise and blow it off. Some folks have givin me some ideas and prices but I wanted to see what others have to say and or think! I'm very serious and will not waste anyone' time!

Thanks in advance. O yeah I'm just going to throw this out there. I know alot of you are very passionate about your lights and tec. I've seen alot of people fight and turn a thread around. Please dont do that here! I'm asking for help to buy/build a light not to teach me internet MMA!
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So... $600 for a light to grow in a 2x4 space?

I'll take half and make a light better than anything comercially available. Free shipping also. Deal?

I'm thinking I wont need to spend any where near the 6 from what I've seen but I'm saying 6 to be on the safe side. Ide like to run some vero29' and possibly add some samsung strips for supplemental lighting on the same fixture. I've looked at timber and the complete kit is beautiful but I've also checked out another place they seem a bit cheaper but still beautiful builds! I just want to make sure I'm going to have enough light, im not going to get ripped off and I want to be able to add additional lighting in the future if I upgrade my tent. I'm also a scared because I dont know what to even make out of all the info lol. I would not be apposed too your suggestion. Do you have any work that I can check out?
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you can budget it up with 3x 4' dual row Samsung Fs. and a 320W driver. That should come in at $250 to $300 for a 2x4 build... I have 2 such units.

Let's say I want to go nukin futs and spend the whole 600. Do you think that would be a crazy idea. The more light the better in most situations but at that point do you think I would have too much light even if diming the driver/drivers? Is that just overkill and a waste of light? I was thinking of running 8 vero29'. Use each vero for 1sf of space while possibly adding some strips to the frame or to lighten the frame, add the strips on the vertical supports with zip ties. I realize I have a smaller space than most folks but I want a killer light. That being said even though the space is small I want to grow some monsters in there. I'll only be running 2 plants in there for my first grow. I will possibly run 4 eventually but I think sticking with 2 will be better suited for me for a while. If I stayed with the hid I was going to run it at the full 600. That's 75 watts a sf. If I wanted to do that with led is that crazy?
look you can spend a fraction more and buy 6 single row strips, hook them up to the same 320W driver suggested before, and get a slightly better spread.
The 3 (or 6) strips at 20CM equals or surpasses the light intensity you would get from a 600W HID at its standard height.
You don't need to go nuts buddy... You can make enough light for 2 or 3 tents with that much money.

The vero 29's are sweet but make hot spots, these days we use strips. Either Samsungs as ANC recommended, or Bridgelux EB, your choice. That's the most powerful and affordable solution i know of.

When you're dealing with 2.0+ umoles/joule you actually want to max out at 35W/sqf unless you're pushing CO2
Exodus cheese.. those are actually 2 plants, but you mainly see the front one...
You can fit 2 large girls or about 6 medium ones or 10 small ones easily under the unit.
look you can spend a fraction more and buy 6 single row strips, hook them up to the same 320W driver suggested before, and get a slightly better spread.
The 3 (or 6) strips at 20CM equals or surpasses the light intensity you would get from a 600W HID at its standard height.

Ok, where is a good place to buy what I need? I checked out a spot (forget where now) they where all sold out. I'm thinking if I stay with strips then I should go with 3500k. Correct me if I'm wrong or you have a better cct suggestion but from my understanding, a 3500k is good for an all around application? That's what I've read on some cob builds. Cct is cct but do they vary from cob to strip or are the one or the same across both tech?
Ok, where is a good place to buy what I need? I checked out a spot (forget where now) they where all sold out. I'm thinking if I stay with strips then I should go with 3500k. Correct me if I'm wrong or you have a better cct suggestion but from my understanding, a 3500k is good for an all around application? That's what I've read on some cob builds. Cct is cct but do they vary from cob to strip or are the one or the same across both tech?
Digikey. With the amount your planning to spend free shipping and it’s fast.
I got my strips from Digikey, but I was fortunate to buy before the prices went up. My stuff landed in much less than a week over here on the Southern tip of Africa.
Check with the Bridgelux fans if any of their strips could come in cheaper for a similar build.
I don't keep up with all of that. I did my homework and bought the best option at the time.
You don't need to go nuts buddy... You can make enough light for 2 or 3 tents with that much money.

The vero 29's are sweet but make hot spots, these days we use strips. Either Samsungs as ANC recommended, or Bridgelux EB, your choice. That's the most powerful and affordable solution i know of.

When you're dealing with 2.0+ umoles/joule you actually want to max out at 35W/sqf unless you're pushing CO2

Thanks, I tend to go overboard on things. Especially things I dont really know much about. I tend to find the best or the biggest for the money. Usually it works out but there has been times I could have went with less and it would have worked the same or better. I guess that does not apply in this situation. I dont want to seem like someone who just throws around money for the best shit thinking I'm going to grow pounds upon pounds, that's not me. I'm actually pretty frugal. I do want to get the best bang for my buck. I want something that's going to work for me that I will enjoy for a few years. If it takes the 600 to accomplish that then that's what it is. If I can save a bit and walk away with a light that is going to work well for me then I'm all about it. I appreciate you being real with me and looking out for me. Some people would probably just say, hey you got 600 buy this, this and this for one reason or another. So thanks for not doing that. I'm interested in your proposal and want to see what you have in mind. I'll also note, I've seen a few builds that had a component that shows how many volts, watts and kwh are being used by the fixture. I'm not sure what it's called and in the fourm I read no one knew what it was called and the peron who built it never responded to anyone who asked what it is. I want one of those things as well lol.
Exodus cheese.. those are actually 2 plants, but you mainly see the front one...
You can fit 2 large girls or about 6 medium ones or 10 small ones easily under the unit.

I've not enjoyed a cheesy type of strain yet. I see, yeah definitely can not tell it was 2. Either way they look nice. I will check out digi key. Thanks for the info!
Exodus is something special... it is more fruity than cheesey. If you got the 600, and space for two tents... don't go nuts on one tent.
You don't need to go nuts buddy... You can make enough light for 2 or 3 tents with that much money.

The vero 29's are sweet but make hot spots, these days we use strips. Either Samsungs as ANC recommended, or Bridgelux EB, your choice. That's the most powerful and affordable solution i know of.

When you're dealing with 2.0+ umoles/joule you actually want to max out at 35W/sqf unless you're pushing CO2

I dont plan on getting involved with co2. I'm just going to stay as basic as possible till I get a few more grows under my belt and learn how my setup works for me. Maybe in the future but right now I think it's best to start slow. I'm sure you will agree with me there haha. I'm so new it hurts lol
look you can spend a fraction more and buy 6 single row strips, hook them up to the same 320W driver suggested before, and get a slightly better spread.
The 3 (or 6) strips at 20CM equals or surpasses the light intensity you would get from a 600W HID at its standard height.

Have you had this specific before or is it something new to you? I'm definitely going to have too grow some in the future.
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Reactions: ANC
It is the only strain I grow.... I take cuttings every time I flip them into flower.