calyxes are shootin but tisnt going well


Active Member
hallo all, i started this plant a looong time ago like 3 months ago, i wasnt treating it right and was under supplied with light, but thas all sorted now, and its shootin calyxes but has been like 2 weeks 12hrs photo period n nothin is showin its face any ideas why ? i could take a photo but my phone camera wouldnt show anything of great help . Any help will be greatly appreciated peace out keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
"its shootin calyxes but has been like 2 weeks 12hrs photo period n nothin is showin its face"
What do you mean???? By "shootin calyxes" I assume you have a flowering female?? What isn't "showing its face"??


Well-Known Member
Without pictures its going to be almost impossible to help you. After only 2 weeks of 12/12 its not like your going to see "buds". If you have calyxes shooting out white hairs thats all you can ask for at this point. If your plant is green just be patient, you've got at least another 6 weeks to go.