Came home today to lights off when should of been on.


Active Member
Came home from work today @6pm and my lights were off for some reason. My light schedule is on@11am and off@5am. So with the glitch, my lights were off today for an extra 7 hours today. Is that going to cause any issues? Should I just continue on as normal, same light schedule?

I am 4 weeks in from turning my lights on from seeds.
reset your timer(s) to what you want and move on.
once is pretty unlikely to cause any problems, esp while your vegging.

The worst thing I've seen in VEG is 3 blade leaves from light schedules being fucky. In Flower I've had plants herm from power outages when I didn't have a generator.
I think this problem can be solved by reseting your timer, setting it, and smoking a fat bowl.

Weed is easy to take care of in veg. Make all your mistakes now so you'll be more comfortable in flower.
The worse is when You have shorts or blackouts in flower...

I was running 3 tents & a they all shorted out...My cloner was off for a FEW hours...Vent Fans Too
I wasnt home...The whole house smelled LOUD....
I was freaking out...I paid the light bill...I thought it was the cops setting Me Up...

The Good Old Days...